Guatemala painting

Paven skriver i sin nye Encyclical 2020, Fratelli Tutti:

“Not to share our wealth with the poor is to rob them and take away their livelihood. The riches we possess are not our own, but theirs as well”.[92] In the words of Saint Gregory the Great, “When we provide the needy with their basic needs, we are giving them what belongs to them, not to us”.

Men glem ikke at den katolske kirke i mange århundreder har arbejdet intenst og målrettet på at udplyndre og undertrykke nationerne. Se for eksempel dette maleri den mexikanske kunstner Diego Rivera. Titlen er “Glorious Victory.”, men det er ikke folkets sejr, men ondskabens sejr i form af amerikansk imperialisme, CIAs evne til at knuse demokratier og den katolske kirke som fødselshjælper for grusom undertrykkelse. I 1954 knuste CIA Guatemala med den katolske kirkes hjælp. Læg mærke til den katolske præst i højre side af billedet.

Situationen fra Guatemala i 1954 er langt fra enestående; kun et eksempel på den katolske kirkes hykleri. Ofte undslipper kirken og offentligheden er uvidende om sandheden og pavedømmet går fri. Derfor blev maleriet da også forbudt i USA så sandheden kunne skjules.

Diego Rivera: Glorious Victory. Klik på billedet for større opløsning

I midten af ​​maleriet giver den amerikanske udenrigsminister John Foster Dulles hånden til Castillo Armas hånd. Castillo Armas var en grusom, pro-amerikans diktator som CIA fik sat på magten som afløser for den demokratisk indstillede minister, som var elsket af folket. CIA-chef Allen Dulles og den amerikanske ambassadør i Guatemala John Peurifoy giver penge til militærkommandører, mens man ser de indfødte arbejde som slaver og lader United Fruit Company skibe bort med lasten fuld af bananer. Ved ambassadørens fødder ser man en antropomorfiseret bombe med præsident Dwight Eisenhowers smilende ansigt. I baggrunden er ærkebiskop Mariano Rossell y Arellano, der udfører en katolsk messe hen over arbejdernes massakrerede kroppe. Dette maleri blev forbudt i USA og forsvandt helt i de næste halvtreds år. I år 2000 blev det fundet på et lager på Pushkin-museet i Rusland, og siden da er det udlånt og permanent udstillet i Mexico.

The pope has newly issued a so-called encyclical letter to the church and to the world. It describes the plans of the catholic church laid out for the whole world. A glorious plan for the salvation of mankind, and the recipe on HOW it must be done. When you read it, it sounds nice until you dive down in the details. As you know “the devil hides in the detail”:

If you know the history of the catholic church you know that it blood-stained and gruesome and it has downtrodden the nations and kept them in bondage. This encyclical is

this encyclical is a blueprint for a great plan to transform the nations of world into the same condition which ruled during the darkest of darkest times during the middle ages. It is a blueprint for a new world order which can at best be compared with fascism and communism with heavy religious over- and undertones.

An Encyclical is a letter of high papal priority for an issue at a given time. And the time we are in now is according to many world leaders and the pope crucial. We are at the brink of collapse and must act fast, they say.

Let me tell you a gruesome, horrifying story that is relevant for all to know today.

In 1954 the Catholic church worked closely together with the CIA to destroy Guatemala and bring the people into a kind of slavery. The story is very interesting for us today, because it is a modern example of how the catholic church has always through history corporated (openly and secretly) together with political and military entities. This history explains in detail how a powerful catholic priest, Mariano Rossell y Arellano, betrayed the Guatemalan people and brought a catastrophe to all the poor Indians. The CIA installed a pro-American dictator and Guatemala became a completely broken nation. This instance was not unique in history. It is a type of what will come soon globally: The deep state of the United States will implement globally what the Jesuits are whispering in its ears. Everyone who reads history will understand that the catholic church has robbed the world for centuries and been working behind the scenes to create all the poor third world countries in South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Now the pope tries to make the people of the affluent nations believe that WE (the people) have been responsible for it all by a materialistic lifestyle, so now WE have to pay and repair what the first and the second beast in Revelation 13 have created. How many poor migrants do you think live inside that walls of that Vatican in nicely build communes? I guess not one! The popes (not the pope, but all the popes) belong to the group of the greatest liars in human history. They have for centuries betrayed the nations of Europe. The reformation exposed it totally and its power sunk for a while into oblivion. But it arose again, but in another form customized our modern world, but still propagating the exact same principles and deceptions.

Order Out of Chaos:
the catholic church has for centuries created chaos in the nations. It is one long history of undermining protestant nations. It creates chaos, division and now when everything is “on the brink” of breaking the church steps forward and pretends to behave a blueprint for saving us all out. How much more disgusting can it be?

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