Futurism, Preterism, Historicism

Der findes grundliggende 3 fortolkninger af Daniels bogs profetier om den historiske udvikling, som de især præsenteres i kapitel 2 og 7. De to af fortolkningerne er skrevet af to jesuitter, som modreaktion til protestanternes udlægning, som tolker teksten i Dan. 7 om “det lille horn” til at være den bibelske Antikrist og at det er en beskrivelse af den katolske kirke. Da denne udlægning begyndte at blive udbredt anerkendt i Europa i 1500-1600-tallet var det en enorm trussel imod den katolske kirkes indflydelse og magt over folk. Overalt i den kristne verden er det i dag jesuitternes udlægning i forskellige variationer, der er gældende. Kun SDA og nogle få andre holder fast ved den oprindeligt protestantiske fortolkning. Men hvem har ret? Jesuitterne eller de store reformatorer i gamle dage?

Screenshot from a good study on the prophecies in the Book of Daniel. Det er tydeligt at jesuitterne har lavet en fortolkning som fjerner fokus fre lige netop den magt, hvis indflydelse og magt, de søger at fremme i verden.
Screenshot from a good study on the prophecies in the Book of Daniel

A very good paper written by pastor Stephen Bohr about how the Jesuit order changed the protestant interpretation of the biblical prophecies about Antichrist. The protestants in former times had the historicist interpretation which is to see prophecies as a never broken continual row of beforehand information from God to his people, so the can see where on the historic timeline they are before Christ will return. The Catholic Church had to break that timeline and distort the historic view because the medieval papacy is exposed to be the biblical answer to whom the Antichrist is. The historic interpretation became a major catalyst for the spread of Protestantism. It was a tremendous help for people to be able to see that the catholic church was indeed what the Bible says it is – a counterfeit Christian church created by Satanic forces in order to deceive people away from knowing the truth about who God is.

The Jesuit order took the challenge to develop new ways of interpreting the biblical prophecies. And the two ideas they came up with are called respectively preterism and futurism. In both models, the catholic church has been taken out of the historic timeline of the history of Christianity even though this is only possible to do if you read history and the biblical prophecies with completely closed eyes and your logic mind put away.

A very good paper written by pastor Stephen Bohr about how the Jesuit order changed the protestant interpretation of the biblical prophecies about Antichrist. The protestants in former times had the historicist interpretation which is to see prophecies as a never broken continual row of beforehand information from God to his people, so the can see where on the historic timeline they are before Christ will return. The Catholic Church had to break that timeline and distort the historic view because the medieval papacy is exposed to be the biblical answer to whom the Antichrist is. The historic interpretation became a major catalyst for the spread of Protestantism. It was a tremendous help for people to be able to see that the catholic church was indeed what the Bible says it is – a counterfeit Christian church created by Satanic forces in order to deceive people away from knowing the truth about who God is.

The Jesuit order took the challenge to develop new ways of interpreting the biblical prophecies. And the two ideas they came up with are called respectively preterism and futurism. In both models, the catholic church has been taken out of the historic timeline of the history of Christianity even though this is only possible to do if you read history and the biblical prophecies with completely closed eyes and your logic mind put away.