Evolutionsteoriens 7 vigtigste argumenter

Link: What Evidence Supports the Theory of Evolution?Biochemistry is the studyof the basic chemistry and processes that occur in cells. The biochemistry of all living things on Earth is incredibly similar, showing that all of Earth’s organisms share a common ancestry.

Comparative anatomy is the comparison of the structures of different living things. This figure compares the skeletons of humans, cats, whales, and bats, illustrating how similar they are even though these animals live unique lifestyles in very different environments. The best explanation for similarities like the ones among these skeletons is that the various species on Earth evolved from common ancestors.

Intelligent Design svar: Alt kan grupperes og klassificeres ud fra fællestræk. Fx kan alle ting der står lodret op fra jorden placeres i én gruppe og alt hvad der er fladt og ligger vandret kan sættes i en anden gruppe. Så får man den klassificering at alle træer, lygtepæle og flagstænger har samme oprindelse mens dørmåtter, asfalt, fliser og guldtæpper har en anden. fælles træk er derfor langt fra et godt argument for at forskellige klasser inden for dyr og planter har en fælles evolutionær forfader.

Biogeography, the study of living things around the globe, helps solidify Darwin’s theory of biological evolution. Basically, if evolution is real, you’d expect groups of organisms that are related to one another to be clustered near one another because related organisms come from the same common ancestor.On the other hand, if evolution isn’t real, there’s no reason for related groups of organisms to be found near one another. When biogeographers compare the distribution of organisms living today or those that lived in the past (from fossils), they find that species are distributed around Earth in a pattern that reflects their genetic relationships to one another.

Intelligent Design svar: At dyr og planter er spredt ud over jordkloden på en bestemt måde kan lige så godt forklares med en spredning sket efter at Noahs Ark grundstødte.

Comparative embryology compares the embryos of different organisms. The embryos of many animals, from fish to humans, show similarities that suggest a common ancestor.

Intelligent Design svar: Haeckel fofalskede tegninger af forstre. En forfalskning som alle i dag har erkandt. Men selv om der så skulle være visse ligheder, så fortæller det ikke nødvendigvis noget om fælles evolutionær oprindelse. Enhver som skal bygge noget af træ, et skur, et hus, en sæbekassebil, begynder med et bræt. Her ligner begyndelsen på de forskellige projekter også hinanden. Derfor kan man i lige så høj grad tolke biologisk lighed med at Gud har anvendt samme principper og grundmodeller i sit skaberværk. Hvorfor?

Molecular biology focuses on the structure and function of the molecules that make up cells. Molecular biologists have compared gene sequences among species, revealing similarities among even very different organisms.

Paleontology is the study of prehistoric life through fossil evidence. The fossil record (all the fossils ever found and the information gained from them) shows detailed evidence of the changes in living things through time.

Modern examples of biological evolution can be measured by studying the results of scientific experiments that measure evolutionary changes in the populations of organisms that are alive today. In fact, you need only look in the newspaper or hop online to see evidence of evolution in action in the form of the increase in the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Radioisotope dating estimates the age of fossils and other rocks by examining the ratio of isotopes in rocks. Isotopes are different forms of the atoms that make up matter on Earth. Some isotopes, called radioactive isotopes, discard particles over time and change into other elements.Scientists know the rate at which this radioactive decayoccurs, so they can take rocks and analyze the elements within them. Radioisotope dating indicates that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, which is plenty old enough to allow for the many changes in Earth’s species due to biological evolution.