Sigmund Freud’s work inspired by Jesuit priest

NOTE: Some days ago I did a quick search on Sigmund Freud and his tutor Franz Brentano. I found out that Brentano was a jesuit Priest. below you can follow my research-journey around Google and DuckDuckGo to find this information. Read also this Wiki article about why Freud was wrong

First I found this quote in a book called Fifty Thinkers Who Shaped the Modern World:

To me, he looks like a Jesuit priest. But we need more evidence than this!

Another quote from

…Husserl tells us, even went so far as to call him, variously, a Jesuit in disguise, a prattler, a Pharisee, a sophist, and a scholastic.

read the full text here

Then I discovered an interesting detail

In an article about Franz Brentano from it notes that the information about Brentaano is taken directly from Wikipedia, and added to their own webpage in July 10, 2008. In the article, it states that Brentano “entered the Jesuit order” but in the Wikipedia article that statement is missing. Here are two screenshots with different quotes:

At the end of this article, you can see some more screenshots from showing the sentence in its context etc.

I went back to the Wikipedia and clicked on the Wikiblame search engine and searced the history of all the Wiki versions about Brentano…all the way back to 2001. I knew the sentence about the Jesuit order had to be from 2008 or before. But I found no versions at all as seen in this screenshot below.

Wikiblame search engine on Franz Brentano

What has happened? As far as I can see there are two possible explanations

  1. The sentence has been erased deliberately by Wiki so no one can ever see that this man was a Jesuit.
  2. The sentence has never been part of any Wiki versions but the author from Gini who just copy-pasted the Wiki article added exactly that particular sentence.

Which one of them seems most obvious to you?

A kind of similar story, an interesting but also alarming incident about how the Jesuit Order rewrite history in modern encyclopedias to fit their purpose, was some years ago when I was reading in a danish encyclopedia from 2006. I discovered that the Jesuit Order had changed something! Read my article about it here.

But at least Franz Brentanos name shows up again on Wikis “List of Jesuits” article – this time from 2020:

Wiki: List of Jesuits

Why I got suspicious

The reason I got suspicious about Freud was that I recently discovered these two books that reveal how much Sigmund Freud was a trickster and a deceiver and that his theories are called pseudoscience even by his fellow colleagues – the psychologists.

The first book is called Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science, and Psychoanalysis, and the second is called Freud: The Making of an Illusion. A quote from the review on Amazon says

From the master of Freud debunkers, the book that definitively puts an end to the myth of psychoanalysis and its creator.

Since the 1970s, Sigmund Freud’s scientific reputation has been in an accelerating tailspin–but nonetheless the idea persists that some of his contributions were visionary discoveries of lasting value. Now, drawing on rarely consulted archives, Frederick Crews has assembled a great volume of evidence that reveals a surprising new Freud: a man who blundered tragicomically in his dealings with patients, who in fact never cured anyone, who promoted cocaine as a miracle drug capable of curing a wide range of diseases, and who advanced his career through falsifying case histories and betraying the mentors who had helped him to rise. The legend has persisted, Crews shows, thanks to Freud’s fictive self-invention as a master detective of the psyche, and later through a campaign of censorship and falsification conducted by his followers.

A monumental biographical study and a slashing critique, Freud: The Making of an Illusion will stand as the last word on one of the most significant and contested figures of the twentieth century.

Sigmund Freud and the term “Original sin”

I thought to my self: When so much lie can become so popular and so widespread it must be because some evil forces have helped him on his way. And it seems to be right. When I read somewhere that Freud was trying to create an alternative to Christianity and therefore used the word “sin” but turned it into all kinds of crazy stuff like the subconscious or the “id”, then I understood what it was all about: An assault on the biblical truth about God. And again – it seems – with the Jesuit Order working behind the scene. And again – an attempt to hide their traces.

‘Oiginal sin’ and ‘id’

“Original sin” (på dansk: arvesynd) and “id” (uncoordinated instinctual desires/drives. På dansk: det ubevidste, fortrængte).

There are similarities between the Id and Original Sin. The Id is the home of all selfish impulses, including impulses toward crime and even capital crime. The Id is prone to envy, jealousy, covetousness. We are all born with this Id. Controlling the Id is one of the daily responsibilities of all civilized people. So, there is a real similarity. Yet, as Freud shows, if we struggle to destroy the Id, we will suffer from constant self-conflict, and become neurotic.

I guess that this is in a way true that if we struggle to destroy our selfish impulses “we will suffer from constant self-conflict, and become neurotic”. But I believe that the reason why we run into constant self-conflict is that we realize that there is something buried deep in our mind, something extremely selfish-minded and we cant conquer it. It will constantly overcome us. And I believe that this is also the UTMOST and MOST FUNDAMENTAL teaching of the Bible. It is expressed here by Poul:

For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am merely human, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I don’t understand what I am doing. For I don’t practice what I want to do, but instead do what I hate. 16 Now if I practice what I don’t want to do, I am admitting that the Law is good. 17 As it is, I am no longer the one who is doing it, but it is the sin that is living in me. 18 For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I don’t do the good I want to do, but instead do the evil that I don’t want to do. 20 But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am no longer the one who is doing it, but it is the sin that is living in me. 21 So I find this to be a principle: when I want to do what is good, evil is right there with me. 22 For I delight in the Law of God in my inner being, 23 but I see in my body a different principle waging war with the Law in my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin that exists in my body. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is infected by death? 25 Thank God through Jesus the Messiah, our Lord, because with my mind I myself can serve the Law of God, even while with my human nature I serve the law of sin.

Screenshot from – click on the image for a bigger size. – click on the image for a bigger size.