World bank og IMF skaber fattigdom via lån til 3. verdensland. FN´s verdensmål, John Pilger, John Perkins

When talking about the World Bank you have to understand that the World Bank Group (WPG) actually consists of five institutions:

  1. the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), established in 1945, which provides debt financing on the basis of sovereign guarantees;
  2. the International Finance Corporation (IFC), established in 1956, which provides various forms of financing without sovereign guarantees, primarily to the private sector;
  3. the International Development Association (IDA), established in 1960, which provides concessional financing (interest-free loans or grants), usually with sovereign guarantees;
  4. the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), established in 1965, which works with governments to reduce investment risk;
  5. the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), established in 1988, which provides insurance against certain types of risk, including political risk, primarily to the private sector.

The term “World Bank” generally refers to just the IBRD and IDA, whereas the term “World Bank Group” or “WBG” is used to refer to all five institutions collectively.[13]

These subdivisions make it difficult to trace the activities of the World Bank Group in its role of implementing the Agenda 2030 global plan.

Verdensbankens mission ifølge FNs hjemmeside:

The World Bank is an international organization, comprised of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), that provides financial and technical assistance to client countries. The mission of the World Bank is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. Justice and the rule of law are key to achieving these twin goals. 

Ifølge International Development Association (IDA) egen hjemmeside:

The International Development Association (IDA) is the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. Overseen by 173 shareholder nations, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing loans (called “credits”) and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve people’s living conditions.

Sådan beskriver IBRD dem selv:

Created in 1944 to help Europe rebuild after World War II, IBRD joins with IDA, our fund for the poorest countries, to form the World Bank.  

Verdensbanken (World Bank) og IMF (International Monetary Fund) har ifølge John Pilger været ansvarlige for at bringe mange 3. verdens land ind i gældsslaveri og fattigdom. Ved at yde dem billige lån skjult under betegnelser som “udviklingsbistand” har de fået disse landes ledere til at låne igen og igen. Og det er amerikanske virksomheder der er rykket ind for at opbygge en industri de selv har profit af. Gælden skal de fattigste i andet betale over skattebilletten.

Min mistanke er at det er det er selvsamme Verdensbank som ny har en ambition om sammen med FN at udrydde al fattigdom. Hvordan kan det være rigtigt hvis det er dem selv der har skabt den?

John Perkins (The Economic Hitman) bekræfter John Pilgers påstande.

” The World Bank and the IMF were set up near the end of World War II to rebuild the economies of Europe, later they began offering loans to poor countries but only if they privatised their economies
and allowed western corporations free access to their raw materials and markets …”

John Pilger i sin dokumenatr

Debt has really been used as an instrument in order for the IMF and the World Bank to get their policies implemented in many developing countries.

Barry Coates, World Development Movement (citat tidskode 27:16 fra The New Rulers of the World)

Her er mine kilder:

John Pilger, dokumentarfilm: The New Rulers of the World

John Pilger, dokumentarfilm: War by other means – IMF and the World Bank are weapons of war.

Screenshot fra “The New Rulers of the World”
Screenshot fra “The New Rulers of the World”
JEFFREY A. WINTERS. Professor and Director of the Equality Development and Globalization Studies program (EDGS)

the World Bank presents itself as an economic development agency focused on the reduction of poverty but in fact the bank operated during the entire Cold War as an institution that distributed resources to mostly authoritarianregimes in the third world that supported the West in the Cold War

JEFFREY A. WINTERS at timecode 31:17

the World Bank says its aim is to help poor people promoting what it calls global development. It’s an ingenious system a kind of socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. The rich get richer on running up debt cheap labour and paying as little tax as possible while the poor get poorer as their jobs and public services are cut back in order to pay just the interest on debt owed by their governments to the World Bank

pilger at timecode 28:38

Artikel fra World Banks egen hjemmeside:
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and The 2030 Agenda

John Pilger, artikel om Indonesien: Our model dictator
Artiklens titel henviser til at CIA kaldte deres hemmelige operation for en “model operation” (altså et forbillede):
Citat: “Ralph McGehee, a senior CIA operations officer in the 1960s, describes the terror of Suharto’s takeover in 1965-6 as “the model operation” for the US-backed coup that got rid of Salvador Allende in Chile seven years later.”
USA og Storbritanien fik præsident Suhato indsat. Han var en grusom massemorder men Thatcher kaldte ham: “One of our very best and most valuable friends,” Thatcher called him. 

Wiki om The World Bank: “The World Bank’s most recent stated goal is the reduction of poverty.”

Corbett Report, artikel: So What Does the World Bank Do Exactly?
I artiklen henviser James Corbett til både John Pilger og John Perkins.


World Bank, IMF turned poor Third World nations into loan addicts