Dr Stanley Monteith in this video interview:

Communism doesn’t work. It never worked in Russia. Communism doesn’t work in China that’s why they’ve adopted the capitalist system over there which is working very well. But communism never worked in Russia. It had to be constantly financed by American and British financiers we had to transfer them technology, loaned them countless billions of dollars so they could maintain their military as a threat to America. And it was all phony. There was not a threat to your country or to my country from communism because it didn’t work and because the people hated the system. But we kept this ruthless dictatorship in power so that the American and British people would feel we had an enemy and we had to rally behind our leaders.

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The Cold War was from the beginning to the end a false conflict created and controlled from the West. If you read the books on the Bolshevik revolution by Antony Sutton (free pdf´s online) you will discover that this is the only reasonable conclusion. Also, look him up on Youtube where you will find excellent interviews. Sutton gives solid evidence that it was all financed by especially US dollars. He also gives solid evidence that 90-95% of the communist economy and technological development came from especially the USA and Germany. The ideological conflict and the cultural tension during the Cold War between the US and the USSR was never a real conflict. But communism in the Soviet Union was the perfect set-up enemy to make people in the West accept political and cultural change and to cry out for more security and protection against the communist enemy: Military bases, and an international defense (NATO), closer political unity between European countries (EU) and more. Please also read the online Telegraph article about how the European Union was created by the CIA.

Think about it: Both Trotsky, Lenin, and Marx (who alleged to have written the theory behind socialism) were all three intellectuals living in the West and paid by the West. The Bolshevik revolution was never – as mainstream history books tell us – an uprising of a downtrodden people. Reasonably the first one in February 1917, but not the second one in October 1917 lead by Lenin and Trotsky. They were brought into Russia stuffed with money and for the revolution against the people. When they discovered it they tried to fight the Bolsheviks. It was only by the assistance from American military forces inside Russia that the relatively small amount of Bolsheviks were able to seize control over the vast geographical area of Russia.

Read the books on the Bolshevik revolution by Antony Sutton (free pdf´s online) and look him up on Youtube! According to his research in the State Department files, while at the Hoover Institute, the Trans-Siberian railway was held by American troops…not for the White Army…but for the Bolsheviks. Sutton gives detailed evidence that 90-95% of the communist economy and technological development from 1917-1990 came from especially the USA and Germany.

So the Cold War was from the beginning to the end a false conflict created in the West. The ideological conflict and the cultural tension during the Cold War between the US and USSR was never a real conflict. But communism in the Soviet Union was the perfect set-up enemy to make people in the West accept political, economic and cultural change and to cry out for more security and protection against the terrible communist enemy. Military bases, an international defense (NATO), closer political unity between European countries (EU) and much more. Look up the Telegraph articles that the European Union was created by the CIA.

Think about it: Both Marx (who allegedly wrote the theory behind socialism), Trotsky and Lenin were intellectuals living in the West and paid by the West. The Bolshevik revolution was never – as mainstream history books tell us – an uprising of a downtrodden people. Perhaps the first revolution (February 1917), but not the second (Lenin and Trotsky). They deceived the Russian people…and when they discovered they tried to fight back. It was only by the assistance from American military forces inside Russia that the relatively small amount of Bolsheviks were able to seize control with the vast geographical area of Russia.

Fear of communism in the West drove the whole thing forward in the same way as fear of terror from radical Islam drives a lot of change forward today. Fear of communism became the pretext for proxy-wars all over the third world. Countless countries in South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East were destroyed by the USA. Remember Iran, 1953 and Guatemala in 1954? The CIA destroyed their democratically elected governments and exchanged them with terrible dictators loyal to the dictates from the corrupt government in the United States. The truth is these and many, many other countries that the CIA and US military destroyed, were never a threat to world peace as was claimed back then and still by mainstream historians. This narrative is a total fabrication. Iran and Guatemala (just two examples) were only trying to free their people from oppressive Western control by nationalizing respectively oil production (controlled by British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company – later BP), and banana production (controlled by United Fruits).

No country on the face of the earth must have a truly autonomous political and economic system and a truly free and independent culture. Soverign nations must be forced or manipulated info bigger and bigger unions – easy to control. Every country must be contaminated and infected by the same sick values, and the same educational systems (historical and scientific lies), the same way a treating disease (vaccine and drugs), the same way of growing crops (monocultures, Monsanto and GM food), and only one way of thinking is allowed to save the world: The deceptive UN 2030 Agenda. In other words: TOTAL GLOBAL CONTROL.

After the fall of communism (which was also a planned event) the West was now set up and ready for the new false enemy created to terrorize the world: “Radical Islam” – created and controlled by the CIA. This terror is one of the primary catalysts brought into play to foster global surveillance. I have often been thinking about why another false enemy than communism had to be brought into play. So far my conclusion is that the secret power elite couldn’t finish their geopolitical plan by a single nation as the enemy of the West. They needed something different – something that is not related to a geographical area that is against us. The fear had to be brought right into the very heart of our culture like cancer penetrating all organs to paralyze it. Radical Islam (created by the CIA) is seemingly the right option for that purpose. The fear of Islam and terror is a way to destabilize the European nation-states, create mass migration into Europe and bring their economies and cultures to their knees. Why? To bring them into an even closer interdependence in unions controlled by none-elected powers and thereby bring them closer to the next geopolitical level: global governance. But to reach this step one more global enemy was introduced: The big lie of man-made climate change!


How can we allow the established media to appoint themselves as the guarding angel against “fake news”, when we have seen that the same media has a very long history of being used as the main channel for disinformation to manipulate the public mind?

I have established that the official worldview is not the truth but a fabrication that is being pulled down over our heads. For many decades we have been misled by political powers who operate through the mainstream media, using it as the main channel for their manipulations to divert the people away from the truth.

So we have to be very watchful when we see the established media appoint itself as the guardian angel against “fake news” when we now know that it is actually the contrary.

When the media stamp opinions and beliefs that disagree with the official adopted truths and call it “fake news”, it might be an attempt to make a lot of noise so people believe that they are living up to their reputation as a defender of truth and the watchdog of corrupt political power. The truth is, as we have seen, the opposite: The media is hunting down, ridiculing and shaming opinions and people who represent opinions that question official explanations and beliefs.

when it has nothing with news to do but is just an opinion that goes differs from the majority of experts? Historically this is nothing new, that science and history are used in the service of the sitting powers

So why should we believe the experts when they have almost unlimited access to mainstream media where they in a selfconfidently tone ridicule both the people and their ideas if they are not in agreement with established beliefs? The mainstream media always covers its back by referring to its direct access to “official sources” and “experts“. But how often have we not seen that the biggest lies come from exactly these authorities? Think about it: In school, we learn about the three forms of argumentation: logos, pathos, ethos. And we learn that when someone appeals to pathos and ethos then we have to be on our guard. And that is was mainstream media do when they say “95% of ALL scientists agree about manmade climate change“. That is a so-called “ethos-argument”: It says: “Even though you have no chance to check the evidence you can believe it because so many scientist agrees“. This is far from logic argumentation.

But the five percent COULD have the truth. But when they now and then have access to media, the articles are always wrapped in skepticism.