- Who was John Foster Dulles?
- Farfar (Secretary of State) den første som stod for et Amerikansk overthrow af en lovlig regeringsmagt (Hawaii).
- Onkel (Robert Lansing) også Secretary of State. Bror, chef for CIA.
- Var “chairman of the board” for Carnegie Endovement for International Peace – den organisation som Norman Dodd taler om, som havde en agenda om at overtage det amerikanske skolesystem og skabe et kollektivst system i USA og smelte sammen med Rusland.
- Tæt involvement i fredsforhandlingerne
- Medlem at CFR, tænketank med enorm indflydelse i Amerikanske regeringer og med det udtalte mål af afskaffe nationalstaterne og indføre en verdensregering.
- Indgiftet i Rockefeller-familien. David Rockefeller med citatet om at være med i en konspiratirosk “cabal” hvis formål at omstyrte og skabe en “New World Order” (Se hans biografi Memoir)
- Fortæller i et interview at intet af det som CIA gjorde (dvs det som han og Allen samarbejdede om) blev gjort uden godkendelse fra – citat: “highest authority”.
- Var involveret i økumeni ved at infiltrere den amerikanske protestantiske kirker og sælge dem ideen om “Building the Kingdom of God on Earth” ved at få dem væk fra frelses-perspektivet og ind i et “Social Gospel” (“redde verden” ad politisk vej og DERMED fremme Guds rige på jorden. Dette skulle ske ved at afvikle nationalstaternes selvbestemmelse og samle alle verdens lande under én religion, en politisk magt.
- Hans religiøse udgangspunkt – ifølge Kinzer – var at han så verdens lande som ENTEN onde eller gode og at det var den kristnes pligt at udrydde det onde. De onde (kommunisterne) skulle derfor udryddes. Men sandheden er at Dulles brødrene kun foregav at hade kommunismen og brugte det til at skabe frygt i befolkningen og dermed skabe et afsæt for at omstyrte fredelige, demokratiske landes regeringer og indsætte grusomme pro-Amerikanske diktatorer, med den begrundelse at disse lande var “farlige for verdensfreden fordi de var kommunist-infiltrede. Dette var løgn.
- Før han bleve udenrigsminister var han advokat blandt andet for (…?…), som hjalp store amerikanske virksomheder (United Fruit Companay fx) til at bevare deres kontrol i tredieverdens lande. Som udenrigsminister fortsatte han denne proces. Da Arbenz i Guatemala vil smide United Ftuit ud fordi de kontrollerede landet (telefon-netværk, jernbanenet, jorden og bananproduktion), så henvender United Fruit sig til Dulles om hjælp. Allen Dulles, tidl. aktie-ejer i United Fruits, nu chef for CIA, træder ind og foretager et grusomt statskup (Operation Succes) og opretter derefter et grusomt militærjunta-styre i Guatemala.
- Overview:
- Dulles was a great proponent of a just and durable peace through building international organizations like the UN
- Dulles created war and conflict, turned over democracies, destroyed nations all over the world
- In Europe, he secretly worked to manipulate the populations to create a United States of Europe”. Everything he did was based on the premise that nation-states were the greatest plague and a menace to world peace. He pointed to the world wars and the imminent threat of communism as arguments. All internationalists at that time said that war is caused by the idea of nationalism.
- Dulles was working to implement and foster the Hitler regime.
- Dulles was behind the Social Gospel to infiltrate the nationalist Christian churches in the US with a new Social Gospel: The ecumenical idea that only by abolishing nation-states the “Kingdom of God on Earth” would emerge.
Presbyterian Calvinism as background in his famely. Father and grandfater was prebyterian clergymen. So all the uncles and grand-grand faters. A very strong missionary aspect with right and WRONG beliefs. The duty for those who have the TRUTH to go out in the world an make sure that the BAD falls and the good triumphs. And now there is a very short step from religious beliefs to jump to the same idea about good and bad (godly and ungodly) political systems. The Dulles Brothers set out in the world to crush that evil systems (both in religion and in politics because both had either a force for good or bad in corporation with each other (Steven Kinzer)
During his service as US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles was directly involved in three projects all of them with the same goal: to gradually abolish national sovereignty in all nations and unite them under a one-world government.
It was under a pretended assumption that this was the only way to prevent future world wars. But as you will soon discover “to unite the world” actually means manipulation, deception, and brutal force.
to shape the geopolitical world map. And that was his involvement in:
- the formation of the first steps towards forming a European Union, working secretly through secret CIA front organizations in Europe.
- secret CIA operations all over the world to overthrow democratically elected leaders of nations that were either on their way to create democracy or it was already established.
- The early Ecumenical Movement.
All of these three lines of operation are directly connected to John Foster Dulle’s strive to
John Foster Dulles´ main idea about the world had a religious root. He came out of a strong, religious tradition in the United States called presbyterianism. His idea was that some people are just good, and others were evil. But he also believed that some nations were good (the Christians ones) and others were evil (that is the rest of the world). Dulles had a strong evangelising belief. That all nations must be united. This idea came from some christians interpretation of the Bible. They believe that God will set up his Kingdom on Earth. Dulles and many, many other christians before him believed that the establishment of Gods Kingdom on Earth was a task given to men. And Dulles worked out that plan – step by step – in variaous fields: Political, religious, economic. His brother Allen Dulles were in the exact same business of establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth. Both believe that this kingdom was a collectivist world government, a techonocracy. And even more: It was based on fascist principles.
Some belong to God and some are ”primitive”, and devilish and are a threat to the free, christian world (spil klippet med Dulles fra Kinzer videoen), hvor han udtrykker det.
Tanken var at det ”ondes problem” kunne løses politisk og at det var Guds plan at det skulle løses for derigennem at oprette ”Guds rige på jorden” (Martin Erdmann). Men man vidste godt at det umuligt ville kunne gennemføres hvis man gik åbent til værks. Man måtte derfor lægge en strategi for at få nationerne med på ideen. Og strategien rummede flere elementer.
Overbevise det kristne USA gennem et nyt gospel (Social Gospel). Infiltration af kirkerne
Oprette et overnationalt styresystem (FN)
Overbevise de Europæiske gennem teorien om at samarbejde ville skabe fred og at man derfor behøvede et overnationalt styresystem – et United States of Europe (EU)
Overbevise nationer i Vesten om at det er nationalstaten som ide, der er skyld i krig.
Forhindre alle 3-verdenslande i at bringe sig ud af flere hundreder års vestlig kolonialisme og imperialistisk dominans og skabe frie, demokratiske nationalstater.
Stephen Kinzers narrative
The Dulles brothers were not necessarily bad people. After all, we are ALL the same as humans. The Dulles brothers were only a reflection of American belief at that time. They were part of corporate power, but aren’t we all that? So in a way, we can say that we ALL are like the Dulles brothers. With this kind of narrative Kinzer deflects his audience from the truth. But never the less, Kinzers books have a lot of interesting details. But watch out so you don’t buy into his deflections by swallowing his conclusion.