I don’t know about you but I would rather live in a society where there is freedom of thought and freedom of belief – even if what I believe turns out to be wrong – than I would live in a society. I claim the right to be wrong and live after wrong, false and untrue ideas, thoughts and beliefs. No one – even the best experts should ever have the right to put pressure on groups or individuals who nourish other beliefs than the majority.

But right now in history, it is claimed by these state authorized organizations that we have a critical situation where it may be necessary to prevent sudden individuals and groups from expressing their beliefs.

Today it seems there is a pressure on people who believe in other things than those that are authorized by experts employed by government institutions or who are associated with private organizations which have the same viewpoints as the former.

This is

There is an interesting passage in the Bible where

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic church developed a religious system that became one of the most sophisticated in history to effectually manipulate peoples thoughts and beliefs and thereby also control their actions. A finely knit fabric was woven together of the education system, religious beliefs, the political system, and the economy. All the elements played together and made what we today would call a paradigm. A paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns. When something is a paradigm no one is aware of the thought patterns, because everyone are

there is no oposition.

It was a system where the people voluntarily submitted to the religious authorities all though it was built on what we today would call “fear mongering”.

The principles were simple: Almost all people believed that the Bible was the word of God. And the word of God clearly states two very central and important things. The first is that an individual can be either saved or lost after this life. The other one is that God has ordained specific conditions to be met in order to be either saved or lost. In Catholic understanding, the meaning of being “lost” was not simply meaning “forever gone”. It meant a condition where the lost person was fully alive after death and suffering in painful agony for all eternity in a kind of fiery torture chamber called hell. So naturally, the million dollar question for everyone was how to avoid to get lost and be saved.

The church set up a

So lost didnt mean “none existence”. That idea became was developed to a highly functionally control-system because everybody feared to get lost and end up in hell. But how could an individual be sure not to end up in hell? That’s was the big question. And here the population which was mostly illiterate had to rely on the church. Everyone can see how tempting it can be to develop a system that benefits the power elite in a society when the tools to do it are right in their hands. And that was exactly what happened. Gradually the church grew more and more corrupt.

form of deception, manipulation and suppression was developed by the church. It

brilliant system to keep people under a

suppressed people under control without a

What if the human structure is biologically programmed to live under completely different settings, a radically different social structure, living conditions than what modern people live under today? What if the human nature is actually developed or created (depending on whatever worldview you have), to live under radically other structures

What if true peace and happiness can only be obtained if an individual tunes into that genetically programmed context again? What if what we today forbinder with happiness is only a syntetic social engineerd manipulation that is based on constant stimulation on a subcontsiouness level and then followed by a reward system that releases dopamine? What if clever people behind the scenes have.

I believe that human nature is able to adapt to all kinds of living conditions even if they are destructive to both their mind and physiology. I believe that is a built-in feature in human nature in order to survive all sorts of conditions without a mental breakdown.

Before in history empires occurred because they had the strongest army, the best strategy and the newest military technology to destroy their enemy. But to build an empire on military strength is, in the long run, a difficult task. If a nation-state is openly suppressing its people and keeping it under control by death squads, violence, and censure, then sooner or later rebellion and revolution will occur. All great regimes in history have been overthrown. But I can only find one example where the rebellion came from below – from the people – and not from above – invading armies, led by kings and generals. The one example I can think of is the Reformation. That was a true uprising from below. It was a true peoples movement. The historical setting in Europa at that time was that the papacy (the catholic church) had a temendious power over the kings of the neations in Europa. It´s power was extremely sophisticated and effective

But how could a modern power-structure use some of the same ingredients as was used by the papacy to bring the nations of the world in to same kind of manipulated control where people live in a build on carefully planned and executed stimulus-reaction-system, that over and over from cradle to grave indoctrinate the idea that this is they way life is lived, and this is the metode and tools you have in this live to persue happiness. This is freedom the system preaches. And outside this system is fear, worrieng, disease and unhappiness. And what if the system is so waterproof that NO other ideas can penetrate it. Then men and women and children are as effectively trapped inside the system as they were for 1200 years, during reign of the papacy in the dark middle ages.

It began inside the Cathiolic Churcch.

is openly You have to control great geografical areas.


because they had the strongest army, the best strategy and the newest military technology to destroy their enemy. But to build an impire on military strength is on the long run a difficult task. If state is openly led by a dictator and the people are well aware that the are living under a regime where personal freedom has been taken from them, then sooner or later rebellion will be formed. All great regimes in history have been overthrown. But I can only find one example where the rebellion came from below – from the people – and not from above – invading armies, led by kings and generals. The one example I can think of is the Reformation. That was a true uprising from below. It was a true peoples movement. The historical setting in Europa at that time was that the papacy (the catholic church) had a temendious power over the kings of the neations in Europa. It´s power was extremely sophisticated and effective

But how could a modern power-structure use some of the same ingredients as was used by the papacy to bring the nations of the world in to same kind of manipulated control where people live in a build on carefully planned and executed stimulus-reaction-system, that over and over from cradle to grave indoctrinate the idea that this is they way life is lived, and this is the metode and tools you have in this live to persue happiness. This is freedom the system preaches. And outside this system is fear, worrieng, disease and unhappiness. And what if the system is so waterproof that NO other ideas can penetrate it. Then men and women and children are as effectively trapped inside the system as they were for 1200 years, during reign of the papacy in the dark middle ages.

It began inside the Cathiolic Churcch.

is openly You have to control great geografical areas.