Aldous Huxley got it wrong about overpopulation

Have you ever heard the scientists and experts science-based evidence that overpopulation could be a BIG problem for the planet? That was a big thing in the 60s.

Have you ever heard the scientists and experts science-based evidence that the ozone hole could be a BIG problem for the planet? Nothing ever happened. That was a BIG thing in the 60s. It was scaremongering.

Have you ever heard about the scientists and experts science-based evidence that the earth could freeze to death in a few centuries – a BIG problem for the planet? Nothing ever happened. But it was a BIG thing in the 80-90s. It was scaremongering.

Have you ever heard the scientists and experts science-based evidence that AIDS could be a BIG problem for the planet? Nothing ever happened. Some died. But what about the rest of us? That was a BIG thing in the 90s. It was scaremongering.

Have you ever heard about the scientists and experts science-based evidence that manmade CO2 is a BIG problem for the planet? Do you still believe in science-based calculations when it comes to wildly complex factors that no computer model can ever mimic? You can make science-based numbers say whatEVER you like.

Have you ever heard the expert’s evidence-based claims the communists under the Cold War could be a BIG problem for the planet? Nothing ever happened. That was a BIG thing in 50 years. It was a big lie and scaremongering.

Have you ever heard the expert’s evidence-based claims that radical Islamic terrorists are a BIG problem for the planet right now? It IS a big lie and scaremongering.

And here is MY historical evidence-based claim, that ALL the scaremongering has served the exact same purpose: To scare everyone. But for what reason?

I don’t know if Aldous Huxley is just extremely ignorant or he is deliberately misleading us, but here is what he said in a video interview from 1958:

Q: Why should overpopulation work to diminish our freedoms?

Huxley: Well in a number of ways. I mean the experts in the field like Harrison brown for example pointed out that in the underdeveloped countries actually the standard of living is at present falling. The people have less to eat and less goods per capita than they had 50 years ago. And as the economic position becomes more and more precarious. Obviously the central government has to take over more and more responsibility for keeping the ship of state on an even keel and then of course you’re likely to get social unrest under such conditions and again with a intervention of the central government.

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace, 1958
Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace, 1958

Let me first begin by telling you that overpopulation is a myth. There only exists urban overcrowdedness. I will return to explain that later. But if you can’t wait, then watch this video.

In the interview, Huxley states that people in third world countries in the last 50 years have had less to eat and he gives one reason: Overpopulation. That is simply not true! What has happened in most third world countries is this: They have been totally destroyed by first the colonial period, next an imperialist period, and least but in some ways, the worst: The United States has through military interventions and secret overthrows instigated by the CIA, prohibited most third world countries from developing into well-functioning democracies. Instead the US established pro-American totalitarian regimes. These US-backed regimes have simply functioned as US-controlled slave-markets so an endless supply of cheap goods, produced under inhumane conditions, could be sent to all-absorbing and restless Europeans and Americans. Lots and lots of US-funded armies and secret police have been needed to keep the people under control so they would work as slaves. THIS is the reason for poverty and overpopulation. And that happened in extreme degree from 1945 and up through the 1950s-70s-80s, and it is still going on. So when Husley says that “the central government has to take over more and more responsibility for keeping the ship of state on an even” it is such a big lie (or mayby ignorance) that my hairs curls together in disgust.

Let me first begin by telling you that overpopulation is a myth. I will return to explain that later. But if you can’t wait, then watch this video.

Huxley states that people in third world countries have had less and less to eat and he gives the reason: Overpopulation. That is simply true! What has happened in most third world countries is this: They have been totally destroyed by first the colonial period, next an imperialist period, and least but in some ways, the worst: The United States has through military interventions and secret overthrows instigated by the CIA, prohibited most third world countries from developing into well-functioning democracies. Instead the US established pro-American totalitarian regimes. These US-backed regimes have simply functioned as US-controlled slave-markets so an endless supply of cheap goods, produced under inhumane conditions, could be sent to all-absorbing and restless Europeans and Americans. Lots and lots of US-funded armies and secret police have been needed to keep the people under control so they would work as slaves. THIS is the reason for poverty and overpopulation. And that happened in extreme degree from 1945 and up through the 1950s-70s-80s, and it is still going on. So when Husley says that “the central government has to take over more and more responsibility for keeping the ship of state on an even” it is such a big lie (or mayby ignorance) that my hairs curls together in disgust.

And what also is a contributor to poverty and overpopulation in all these poor US-created regimes is that the strategy explained above also included bank loans from the World Bank and the IMF to the third world countries. These loans were given with a false declaration. They were called ‘development loans’. The loans were allegedly provided to help the poor people to rise from the dust and get out of poverty and into a higher standard of living by showing them the way into an industrialized modern age. What a lie! The people who primarily benefitted from these ‘development loans’ were the already superrich people in the country – the high society-class, the government officials and military leaders who were (and are still) US puppets. The ‘development loans’ also went directly back into the pockets of big western corporations. Why? Because in order to build a modern, industrialized infrastructure in a completely backward country you need high-tech companies to construct it. And where do you find such firms? Obviously in the West. So European and American firms got the money, moved in and re-constructed the urban and rural landscape to “help the poor people out of their stone-age-condition. Or in other words: They set up a new, modern kind of slavery and where the poor could live in the shadow from the gigantic skyscrapers in big, modern cities. So, yes…industrializations came. But it came with a sting of death. So the beneficiaries from all these ‘development loans’ were the foreign companies who constructed a living hell on earth for millions of people. They needed modern roads and railroads in order to transport all the slave-produced gadgets and clothes and food out of the country to the Western consumer markets. They needed modern harbors, airports so the country at the same time could function as holiday resorts for you and I. And they needed first of all energy-producing facilities for their slave-factories. So a lot of the World Bank-loans went into the construction of gigantic electricity plants and giant dams and other forms of energy-producing power plants. And in countries where there was oil, they both constructed and controlled the production of oil and took it for themselves. The poor people got practically NOTHING out of it!

So do you believe the World Bank and the IMF is on the side of the poor people? Or do you think it is crazy to suggest that the World Bank, and the IMF are just servants to the worlds richest and most powerful elites (mainly European and American) and that they work together in a tightly knit web of organisations which are all covered by the corporate media, and international public relation firms together with the CIA? Is it far out to suggest that they are all in the same boat working on a big global agenda which they have worked on to implement even before WWI? In the book “The Global Power Elite”, author David Rothkopf shows that this is actually the case. He concludes that the richest elite in the world sets the agenda at the G7, G20, NATO, the World Bank, and the WTO. So when you know that these giants in power and capital have worked together with governments to crush the third world countries and transform them into slave-like working stations, do you so believe them when THEY want to stand in the forefront to “save the planet”?

And what about these ‘development loans’. How should the be paid back? And by whom? Well, as you might have guessed it already: Obviously not by the rich people. The POOR people had to pay the bill. And they sank lower and lower down in total misery and suffering. The puppet dictators and the leaders of these nations which we call “poor” and “third world” and “developing” just laugh because they live in high tech luxury, build by money from ‘development loans’ while they kill their own people with weapons provided their military juntas from the United States. They couldn’t care less for the poor people living they have dumped into overpopulated, clusters of decease infested slums. They couldn’t care less for their own bankrupt countries and the debts they owe to the World Bank. It is a game they play together. They have their yachts which the can fly too. The people in the country they rule over are nothing else in their eyes than the thousands of chickens are for the chicken farmer: Meat that can be exchanged for money.

The United Nation Agenda 2030

And now comes the BIG BIG irony: You have heard about the UN Agenda 2030, right? And you have understood that it is a plan to help all the poor people in the world out of poverty before 2030, right? And do you know that a LOT of money is needed to alleviate this global poverty and distress? From where should all this money come from? Well, from the World Bank and the IMF! Am I joking now? No! But do you really believe that THIS time we – the people of the western world – are being told the truth that these corrupt banks and organizations will stand in front to save the world from poverty? Do you really think that Agenda 2030 is the honest attempt from the powers of the world to provide another round of cheap so-called ‘developing loans’ to create a really free, a really independent, really self-supporting world freed from the iron grip of imperialist control? Do you believe that the UN – who for decades have been knowing all that I have told you above – this time is a true supporter of free and democratic nations?

I can tell you that a global plan for total control is what the UN Agenda 2030 is all about. You have been lied to for over 60 years. The media have told you that all these poor nations from Asia, Africa, and South America were “a communist threat to the free world” and that we had to invade them and kill their communist dictators and free the people from communist terrorists. All lies! The truth was that the democratically elected leaders of these countries desperately tried to free their country from imperialist control (mainly from Great Britain, France, Belgium, and the United States). In Iran, 1953, In Guatemala, 1954, In Congo, 1961 and many, many other countries it was the same story: Democratic leaders who were ousted or killed by the CIA because they tried to nationalize the natural resources of their land and kick out the so-called “free and democratic nations” (the US and European countries).

During the whole period called the Cold War from 1945-1990, the United States used a false pretext and brainwashed the public mind through the mainstream propaganda media – which the CIA controlled from their planted news editors. The people had a single message massaged into their mind: “Kill the communist pigs!” And soon people were heated up with hate and prepared for war against totally innocent people. These lies have long ago been admitted by even many of the CIA directors who participated in it. They are important whistleblowers who need to be heard. But do you hear about it in the news? No, never! One of them, Johns Stockwell, was a CIA chief for the ‘Angola missions in the 60s. In the interview, he explains in detail precisely how the CIA-agents manipulated the news and made it look like they were fighting communists terrorists.

So do you believe that the UN Agenda 2030 is really about saving the world from poverty? It is not: It is a plan that in detail describes a blueprint for global control. And you…you who live in the Western country are a victim too. You are not a slave who is stuffed into a factory to make plastic gadgets, mobile phones or t-shirts. You are sitting at the other end of the stream of things. You are the happy middle-class consumer. And now it is expected of you that you are ready to work together with the world’s elite (who have created the misery and killed millions) to save the world from manmade CO2. What a joke. It is not manmade CO2 that kills billions, it is this elite consisting of approximately 92% white males.

There is absolutely no problem with CO2. On the contrary, manmade CO2 is a fantastic benefit because it provides extra plant growth. That also means extra big tomatoes, oranges, and strawberries, etc. Did you know that ALL living plants are made from carbon coming from the CO2 in the air? It is the most stupid, manipulating false science to make us believe that manmade CO2 is a problem. It is the millions of people they KILL every year and the MILLIONS of people who they disease every year that is a problem. It is all the lies about, for example, mercury, which is the world’s most dangerous toxin. They spread this heavy metal all over the planet and even into the mouth by the dentists. Even though is beginning to be out phased in Europe they STILL put 90 tons of mercury into the mouths of millions of Europeans. Hey, wake up! You and your children will NOT die from extra CO2 but from lack of knowledge about the truth on many levels. They lie to you. Out governments are parts and puzzle with the corrupt global elites and the corrupted media is their communication tool to manipulate you into a bogus world view.

It is all the lies they are telling you and me that is a problem. Not CO2. CO2 and the whole idea of manmade Climate change is a fabricated story so your eyes can be closed and you can be distracted from the real issues and problems in this world, some of which I have just explained to you.

So this was the true story about why there are poverty and overpopulation.

But wait a minute! Didn’t I just begin with a statement that overpopulation is a myth? Yes. So why do you say that the reasons for overpopulation are the above mentioned? That makes no sense.

Let me explain: All these Western controlled, gigantic industries required a lot of paid ”slave-workers”. And millions of people were lured from urban areas into the cities to work in the factories under slave-like conditions. How they were lured is another story. It is more or less the same story as to how people were lured away from their small family-driven self-supporting business during the industrial revolution in the 18th century. Read that story here! So all the images we see of poor people crammed together in ghettos with their kids running around in big landfills searching for food is NOT because of overpopulation in general. it is a symptom of a condition imperialist nations like the United States have DELIBERATELY created! Go out to the rural areas and take a look? Still pristine and beautiful as long as it has not been destroyed by Western companies or their corrupt fellow conspirators in the country and transformed into landfills, deforested dessert, and you name it.

So Aldous Huxley is off track! He is nourishing a myth and a lie! The reason why this seemingly true story of overpopulation can be told again and again is only it is so true that there is a LOT of people crammed together in one place. But why are they there? That story we are not told so often. The only reason that you and I can buy all the cheap and expensive crap that most people love to eat, and wear and have around, is ONLY because some speculative, evil persons have figured out a method to create a global slave-class to work day and night and die in deep misery. What do they have as security and life insurance when they are worn out as slave-workers and can’t work any longer? Children! They NEED children to help them in the last few years in poverty, decease, and misery.