I have something to tell you which is affecting all of us in here. But you won’t be able to recognize it or for that matter understand it and believe what I tell you unless I first establish a historical foundation. If you don’t have that in place you will call it a big lie.

I do have to build a foundation in order to lead you to the particular point that I want to make. And then you can see “oh yes, it has something to do with me, my life, my future, my country’s future and how it functions. My topic has a very strong influence on society, but it is invisible in the same way that some of the greatest forces in the universe is also invisible – for example, gravity and electromagnetism. Most people are not aware of how important gravity is. You can, in fact, compare my topic which the hidden and unseen influence that gravity affects all living creatures on earth. I am not overstating it when I saw the ALL people in the world will be affected by what I am telling you today. The topic has been and will – without exception – influence every single human being on the earth in a very unpleasant way. Everyone is a target!

If I don’t establish this foundation you will not believe me.

HISTORIEN OM IGEN IS divided into 3 parts which are equally important to establish an understanding of the religious and political content. If you miss one of the parts you will not be able to understand how important this topic is for YOUR life personally and how it affects the whole culture and how it will destroy all personal freedom on earth.

What you are about to experience on HISTORIEN OM IGEN does intersect with our culture and your personal life on a very intimate level…without you knowing it.

Many people ask me: “Why do you believe there is a conspiracy at work in high places that secretly works on a plan to create a global totalitarian government where all nations of the world are subservient?”

Most people today are very busy. They hope I can give them a quick answer to this very complex question, and they hope they can easily refute it and then get on with their life. And it is very easy to refute the quick answer. If you are interested in knowing the answer to this question then you need background knowledge about both history and religion. You have to take a look at the beginning and

If you are sailing in your boat and suddenly discover that there is water in the cabin, then first thing you do is to find out where it came from. You know that there must be a leak somewhere. Same if you see a lake. Where did the water come from? You take a walk around the lake and find a river leading its water into the lake. You follow the stream upwards until you it gets smaller and smaller

“From where did all that water come from”

Therefore you have to invest some of your time, and you will find convincing evidence.

The study of history and religion will expose the big picture and reveal the key players in the conspiracy and its origin in history. But the evidence for the conspiracy has been fragmented into a myriad of bits and pieces, and they are never brought together by mainstream historians. It becomes obvious that a conspiracy is the only logical explanation for the last 500 years of European and American history when the pieces are sampled together. Then the big picture is revealed and you can see the truth. That is the goal of Historien Om Igen.

I have tried to focus as much as I could on the most relevant parts. More or less present them in a kind of summery-form without too many exhausting details. I have split the explanation into four main parts + one. Put together these four parts exposes the conspiracy, its origin, its motives and also the predicted end result. The four + one parts are:


When you have been familiar with the first four parts I believe it will be clear to you that the world has been shrouded in lies and systematically manipulated with a fabricated false world view that is spoon-fed into our brains through the educational system and through mainstream media. The gigantic system of manipulated narratives we live under today penetrates into every aspect of our personal lives so it has become the cultural glue of modern societies.

There is a fair chance that the truth will create in you what is called cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress experienced by an individual who is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. But the good thing is that there is a way out of it! This is what I explain in part five.

The five parts are truly able to transform a persons life….

To expose the international conspiracy, its nature, its misdeeds, and its aim so you can see the big picture; that its fundamental drive is not merely human motives like power, money, greed but derives from an evil spiritual influence which this hidden power elite is cultivating.

To show you that this secret power elite in the United States has been exposed long ago in the biblical, historical prophecies. According to these prophecies, the United States is the last great empire on earth predicted to bring the history of the world to an end in close corporation with the leading powers inside the Catholic church.

To convince you that truth matters and sets you free, and to convince you that your life here on earth is not a coincidence or a random cluster of cells materialized by an explosion called “The Big Bang”. But you are a carefully designed, sophisticated creation (even if you have fallen deep under your own and Gods standards. Because God had you in his mind eons ago with a plan to give you life right now in this time of history for a special purpose to unfold and live out right – i purpose that only you and nobody else can fulfill in history to help in the way YOU can – to bring people to understand the true meaning of their lives, to help, to serve and to prepare for the world to end and a new world to come.


I have split this video series up into three parts that in three different ways reveals how the United States is aiming to bring all nations under a global rule.

and I illustrate it by a tree with three branches. The reason why I use this image is to illustrate that I could have chosen many other branches in order to bring you through to my end conclusion.

If you are a person grown up in a secular world, with secular parents and educated in a secular system you will have to go through all three branches in order to see that the world has been completed duped and deceived.

But I am also convinced that if you go through all three branches they will serve you as plentiful evidence to be convinced that there is a global, spiritual evil conspiracy, and that God has exposed it to all mankind in all nations and thereby created a historical proof about the existence of an omnipotent, all-knowing Spirit that knows everything from the beginning to the end before it has even by

and to expose exactly who is behind the global conspiracy, what their aim is, and from where the draw their spiritual force to bring about their plan. And there is a spiritual power behind. Do you think it is only a joke, and a childis game that all the great political and religious powers around the world surround themselves with spiritual, strange symbols? Do you think that the so-called esoteric and exoteric knowledge is just boyish pranks? It is not. And

The first is dedicated to exposing to you that we have all been totally led behind the light in a gigantic well-organized system of lies and manipulation…in such a way that it seems more or less impossible. But you will see that this is what has happend. Mainstream medie is simply not a watchdog for exposing lies as we have learned. In at least the last 50-60 years is the complete opposite: The media is a tool for planting the lie and controlling people by keeping them buzy with all kinds of stupid scandals. And they are also the main tool for stirring up rage, creating smokescreens, and steer peoples minds into specific lines of thought. For example it is not a coinsidence that the gender-philosophy is ALL over the world in the meia at the same time. It is not – as most people belive – some kind of natural development. it is planned, and bombarded 24/7 because there is a bigger plan bihind it. But more on that later.. Anyway, so in order for the mainstream media to maintain their Watchdog-image in peoples mind they are ofcause doing a job hunting up all sorts of criminals, political and economic. But as you will see in branch 1 that MANY of the scandals they have socalled “exposed” were complete lies – simply made up stories.

And remember there are MANY (most) serious and honest journalist, who could never be bribed to participate in the great swindle of lies. But when the system is corrupt and organized in a way to feed manipulation, then the hones journalist is social engeneerd to believe that

It is actually the academia historians, the psycologists, the  who are the most dangerous because they are responsible for planting the world view in our minds.

Now You could actually just start at this branch (the bible prophecies). That branch is sufficient to be convinced who are the key players behind the global conspiracy and what specific steps are still missing on their secret march to global conquest. But most people today have been indoctrinated so efectively in a secular schhol system and through the mainstrem media and throuhg hollowood movies – the ones ”build on a trus story-type”, that it is near to impossible for them to break trokuh the worldview that has been impressed so effectively in our minds by a constant bombardment, so if I begin in the Bible most people would be lost I guess. There fore I have to have start here (cold war branch) in modern history where most people are still aquinted with and can relate to it. But for you who already know branch 1 and maybe also branch 2 can jum directly to branch 3.

when you become aquainted with all three

and to expose exactly who is behind the global conspiracy, what their aim is, and from where the draw their spiritual force to bring about their plan. And there is a spiritual power behind. Do you think it is only a joke, and a childis game that all the great political and religious powers around the world surround themselves with spiritual, strange symbols? Do you think that the so-called esoteric and exoteric knowledge is just boyish pranks? It is not. And

The first is dedicated to exposing to you that we have all been totally led behind the light in a gigantic well-organized system of lies and manipulation…in such a way that it seems more or less impossible. But you will see that this is what has happend. Mainstream medie is simply not a watchdog for exposing lies as we have learned. In at least the last 50-60 years is the complete opposite: The media is a tool for planting the lie and controlling people by keeping them buzy with all kinds of stupid scandals. And they are also the main tool for stirring up rage, creating smokescreens, and steer peoples minds into specific lines of thought. For example it is not a coinsidence that the gender-philosophy is ALL over the world in the meia at the same time. It is not – as most people belive – some kind of natural development. it is planned, and bombarded 24/7 because there is a bigger plan bihind it. But more on that later.. Anyway, so in order for the mainstream media to maintain their Watchdog-image in peoples mind they are ofcause doing a job hunting up all sorts of criminals, political and economic. But as you will see in branch 1 that MANY of the scandals they have socalled “exposed” were complete lies – simply made up stories.

And remember there are MANY (most) serious and honest journalist, who could never be bribed to participate in the great swindle of lies. But when the system is corrupt and organized in a way to feed manipulation, then the hones journalist is social engeneerd to believe that

It is actually the academia historians, the psycologists, the  who are the most dangerous because they are responsible for planting the world view in our minds.

Now You could actually just start at this branch (the bible prophecies). That branch is sufficient to be convinced who are the key players behind the global conspiracy and what specific steps are still missing on their secret march to global conquest. But most people today have been indoctrinated so efectively in a secular schhol system and through the mainstrem media and throuhg hollowood movies – the ones ”build on a trus story-type”, that it is near to impossible for them to break trokuh the worldview that has been impressed so effectively in our minds by a constant bombardment, so if I begin in the Bible most people would be lost I guess. There fore I have to have start here (cold war branch) in modern history where most people are still aquinted with and can relate to it. But for you who already know branch 1 and maybe also branch 2 can jum directly to branch 3.

HiSTORIEN OM iGEN is made to give you enough information to shed light on my assertion that there exists a global conspiracy that controls the direction of the nations of the world towards a global, totalitarian regime. It will open your eyes and make you realize that the world is heading fast towards a global crisis incomparable with anything before in history.

HiSTORiEN OM iGEN is an attempt to warn you of a coming global crisis that will not pass by any nations untouched. All of humanity will be prey! Also peacefull democratic and so-called worlds most happy nation Denmark.

You might think that I am referring to a crisis created by man-made global climate change. Not at all! And I am not either thinking of the alleged threat to world peace and democracy from China, Russia or radical Islam. I am not thinking of global terror, pollution or lack of food, or running out of oil and energy. And not either because of a nuclear war that wipes out all life from the earth. And not because of hunger. These are mere elements in the global tribulation, but not the root cause. The root of the problem is a spiritual conspiracy that gradually leads humanity into oblivion and a passive state of mind so they won’t wake up before it is too late.

This conspiracy I will expose you to controlled the cold war, it financed and created both communist Russia in 1917 and radical Islam today. Both used as what can be called controlled opposition. Enemies created and controlled in order to steer history in a determined direction. In other words, the driving force behind the conspiracy has been – and still is – fueled by creating and financing enemies that can act as catalysts in a dialectic process described as thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Which means introducing of a phenomenon in society that creates some kind of unbalance. A threat of some kind. That threat leads to opposition, which again leads to a demand for a new souluton. And the solution which is proposed and accepted by the nations was planned already from the beginning but could never have been introduced in an open and direct way without creating public rebellion and total rejection.

In this process of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, the conspiracy is using a wide variety of vehicles to steer history towards a sudden end goal. Some of these are a combination of economic and financial control mechanisms, control over mass-media (commercial media), propaganda under the name ”public relations”, massive manipulation through media, secret military operations, and regime change operations into almost all countries of the world, saturate society with limited and totally fragmented truths which end up pacify and neutralize people when it comes to the ambition to understand what is truth and false information. Infiltration of states and organisations and creating front organisations of different opposing groups in societies, and supporting and manipulation of youth organisations is another arm of the conspiracy. The uses of psychological warfare in peacetime (conditioning of thought), destabilizing societies, military interventions, war, supporting terror groups, gain control over education-systems, forming values in society which are very difficult to satisfy in a fulfilling way. All of it is tools used in order to gain control of the whole of mankind.

I will take you on a ride through history that proves to you that this is actually what is going on and it is easy to discover and expose at least since the end of the second world war and up until today’s ”war on terror”. Most of this history can be found spread out in various mainstream history books but always so fragmented, that you will never be able to link events together in a way that reveals the big picture.

But when you have first seen the big picture you might be more open to the even more controversial assertion that all this has been predicted to happen centuries ago in a series of historic prophecies in the Bible. These prophecies were nothing new to protestants in former times. It was actually the same line of prophecies that was the theological basis for the gigantic public movement called the Reformation. But that side of history has also been hidden from public education and instead the reformation has been narrowed into a half-truth. In our secularized education system the historic prophecies have been eroded out. And for good reason: The powers behind the conspiracy have thorough knowledge about the biblical historic prophecies that exposes its plans. Therefore there has been put lots and lots of effort, money and time into the removal of them from both protestant religious knowledge even though they were one of the fundamental key factors during the Reformation to bring separation between church and state and freedom from the papal suppression and the iron fist rule in Europe during the middle ages. Knowledge about these prophecies has therefore been almost eliminated and distorted beyond recognition and fragmented like almost all secular versions of the history of Christianity.

These much hated and feared prophecies – which nearly no modern protestants any longer know how revealing they are – clearly exposes what power is ultimately behind the conspiracy. In alarming detail, they expose the formerly great nation America as the ultimate and last super power in history before this world will collapse. It is spot on described in detail when and how and why this nation came into existance, and how it would slowly begin it’s gradual growth in an almost unpopulated area and begin its rise towards world power in silence until it would become a so-called ”Christian” superpower as we know it today. It is predicted that the United States´ appearance on the in the world as a global power should begin gradually in an almost unpopulated area on the globe at the end of the 17th century. It is also predicted that the United States would be founded on a law-system – the Constitution – that would be the worlds most humanistic and peaceful in history. But gradually, says the prophecies, this law would not prevent the nation from developing characteristics that are more comparable with a very sophisticated, totalitarian regime. It is also predicted that the United States gradually would develop from a “safe haven” for people fleeing persecution in Europe and into the worlds most horrendous, persecuting, imperialistic and destructive power. And it is also predicted that most people in the western world will be completely deceived into believing that the United States is a protector of global peace, a defender of liberty, freedom and spreading of democracy to all nations when the truth is that the complete opposite is the case. The Bible has also predicted that the whole world will be deceived into accepting a voluntarily move into a ruthless, one world government where all nations have given up their sovereignty and live in a global surveillance society where it is not possible to buy or sell unless you are obeying laws that might violate your most sacred beliefs and principles in life. It has also been predicted that Christians who bring this prophetic light back again will ignite a new religious persecution against Christians – beginning in the United States but spreading to Europe and the rest of the world. It is predicted that when this happens the world will see that this “global democracy” was infact the emergence of a new, reborn papacy. In other words: The same kind of religious “Christian” tyranny that in former times controlled Europe during the middle ages. Same principles but in established in a new, modern form and with far more sophisticated technologies and psychological means to control humanity.

Because most people today have been trained to think in secular lines of thought when it comes to understanding history, during their upbringing and education, it is not wise for me to begin the journey into truth by showing you the evidence in the Bible that proves that the USA has a secret, deep state power that rules the world. Because there is so much prejudice against the Bible, so much misunderstanding and so many preconceived ideas which blocks the mind from taking anything seriously when it comes from the Bible, I will have to begin the journey another place.

I have chosen to begin the journey in recent history – to be more specific The Communist Revolution and The Cold War – and from there take you one further step back in history. And in the end, I will invite you to go through the Biblical prophecies that confirm this history and brings all this together and allows you to see the big picture. It is very eyeopening to see that history has been predicted. And when you apply the written history over the prophecies you will discover that the one explains the other and vice versa.

When you have journeyed through this you can lay it ALL aside. What I mean is this: Most of the people who have a deep knowledge of the conspiracy – the people often stamped with the term ”conspiracy theorists” – are most often never seeing the full picture because they need the missing link that brings all together and gives total meaning: The biblical, historic prophecies. Therefore, even though they dig deeper and deeper and collect more and information – which often is solid truths – they will draw the wrong conclusion of HOW to react to the conspiracy. They will often end up in a very dark and deep hole. These people know a LOT, and I am thankful to them for much of the information i bring here on HiSTORien Om iGEN. I owe them credit for enabling me to bring many pieces to show you the big picture.

Even though I believe teree is a conspiracy, global in scope, I am also convinced that there is a great danger that the interest in conspiracy theories very easily can end up swallowing a person totally. In the beginning, they can feel a kind of liberation from all the falseness and superstition in this worlds societies. The deeper they dig after more conspiratorial truth, the more they feel they come closer and closer to seeing the big truth. But the hole is a bottomless pit. And the only thing they experience is that the know about more and more LIES. The real truth escapes their mind. The big picture lies there in front of them in millions of fragments. They can easily become a political activist because they draw the conclusion that the conspiracy can be overcome and defeated – “if we teh people stand together”. But this is not possible. The war IS over! You have already won the victory because the true victory is SPRITUAL, not political.