Let me summarize in a few paragraphs what you can explore in more detail and find evidence for on this website.

Many high positioned and very influential people in politics, academia, religion, the CIA, and in international diplomacy, financial institutions and independent investigative journalists have for many decades claimed that they have found evidence for the existence of a powerful, secret elite that aims at controlling the way we think, our values and our behavior.

These people have presented their findings – some of them in great detail – with loads of historical facts and inside knowledge as evidence for the existence of such an elite. They have plotted out many of its operations through personal testimonies, heavily researched academic papers, books, and documentaries. In this website, you can gain knowledge about their findings, and then you can judge for yourself on an informed level whether the have spoken the truth or not.

It is an international conspiracy, but not in the classical sense since it is consists of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world who operate through legal organisations which they themselves have founded and established. They control the media corporations, the central banks of the world, they have immense power.

They have uncovered how this elite owns and controls the flow of news and information through the big media corporations. It controls how our culture develops and forms. It controls how we think through public educations systems. To a great deal, it defines our values, our world view and our beliefs. In the combination of these means of mass communication, it establishes a consensus about common values and directs our behavior.

This secret elite is not motivated by material greed. It is not a primitive lust for controlling other people. It is deep-rooted in a spiritual/religious drive. It is behind the destruction of countless countries with millions and millions of civilians lives on their consciousness in their effort to steer the world into a position where they can establish its final plan.

This elite has been working forward in several centuries. They have developed the same mindset and worldview. They know each other because they are out of the same breed so to say. They are bound to each other through secret spiritual rituals. But most of the elite are people outside the inner ring. In the same way that the German people didn’t know what Hitler’s National Socialism would lead to when it emerged in the 1930s it is the same today. Most of the people who participate honestly believe they are building a free, democratic world in peace and security.

Many of the people from the CIA who have stepped forward and testified about their evil workings, tell that the honestly believed that they did good even when they were participating in illegal overthrows of government and the establishment of pro-American dreadful regimes.

To really come to the conclusion that this secret power elite exists it is absolutely necessary to become familiar with its origin in history. Therefore this website will work its way down from today to its beginning in the 1500s during the reformation period. This was a period where a great struggle took place. The Papacy (the Catholic Church) had for many centuries ruled Europe by religious, economic and political means. But because of the protestant reformation, this power was deeply threatened. To defend itself against total annihilation it established a counter-reformation. Its plan was to destroy all the newly founded free protestant nations and bring them all back under catholic rule. In the first two centuries after the reformation, it was attempted through wars. And in catholic countries, it prevented all measures to free themselves from papal rule and become free nations, by the inquisition. During the 17-18th century, it tried new strategies. It sent out its secret army – the Jesuit order – to infiltrate all the free nations, undermine their governments, and destabilize society. The jesuit order gained tremendous power in Europe. And then suddenly history tells us that it was dissolved. From then on the view on history were gradually changed. Religion as the prime driving and underlying force behind political, economic and cultural change during the enlightenment period was gradually exchanged by the modern worldview. The secularized way of perceiving world affairs gradually disconnected the historians from the fact that the primary movers and shakers behind subversive movements, wars, revolutions, and regime change were actually for centuries more the rule than the exception that the Jesuit order was behind. So when the Jesuit order became STUERENE in a world where nobody any longer knew their history and their stated goal to bring back all nations to papal control,

the eyes of people were blinded and they began to look for cause and effect somewhere else. This was an ideal situation for the Jesuit order.

This was the perfect way

And that is what

By repetitive media exposure, it establishes a thinking-habit in the Western (and westernized) populations of seeing things through two opposing views – a left or a right-wing view – which they both have established. A conservative or a liberal view. A for or against. But behind the scene, the elite does not operate under this rule. It aims for something different. Establishing two opposing views in people’s minds is the tool they use to make people believe they are the ones who decide their own destiny and their thoughts and values. What they don’t know is that the choice has already been taken and the course has been set long before the debates are launched in media on social media platforms, and long before “interesting” incidents prepared for flaming the debates happen. Our societies are gigantic living theaters. Psychological science has long ago discovered how easy it is to control whole populations by different public relations techniques. And these techniques have been perfected today. One of its best tools is Facebook which is the near-perfect platform to launch debates. Some of the debates which are controlled are the transgender movement and the assertion that climate change is manmade.

It does it by massive campaigns created by its enormous amount of front organizations in all countries.

The history of this

They are a kind of spiritual family. They are not conspiring in the classical meaning of the term where you have a small group of men who in very deep secrecy plans to overthrow the established government. This conspiracy is different. It already controls the most powerful organisations like United Nations and EU. It controls the government in the United States. It controls the central banks and the biggest news agencies. And all these organizations have not been taken over by a conspiracy. They are all their designs. They created these organizations.

The social media platform Facebook has been set in work by the elite.

. They are not conspiring against the governments or the most powerful institutions in Europe and the United States, because they already control them.

since they most powerfull men and women in goverments and official power organisation are part of the elite it cannot be called a conspiracy in a traditionel sense.

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Edward Bernays, Propaganda


  • Mainstream history of the Cold War explained: Communist plans to take over the whole world. The United States portrayed as a savior of freedom and democracy from evil communism. False!
  • The true story about the Cold War: It was a controlled conflict that was pumped into peoples minds through mainstream media. The CIA controlled media and fabricated a narrative in order to create constant fear.
  • Question: What was the purpose of creating a fear of communism during the Cold War? The answer is first given after an introduction to the true story about the Bolshevik revolution.
  • The Bolshevik revolution: Mainstream official story and the true story. Introduction to Antony Sutton’s work.
  • But why did Western capitalists finance communism, their own sworn enemy? Antony Suttons two answers: 1) create a captive market; 2) Hegelian dialectic conflict in order to bring the world into a predetermined state – The New World Order.
  • Back to the question: What was the purpose of the Cold War?
  • Answer: The United States used the fear of communism as a pretext for overthrowing countless governments in the third world. They falsely accused the leaders of these nations of being communist and therefor potential threats to the free democratic nations in the West. The true story is that these third world countries were only “quilty” in trying to install democracy and free themselves from centuries of Western control over their natural resources – oil, land, minerals, etc.This could not be tolerated.
  • A new strategy of overthrowing governments were developed by the CIA. The use of secret coup d´etat instead of military invasion.
  • Iran 1953 was the first overthrow of a democratically elected government in a long series of US overthrows – also falsely named “regime change”.
  • Next in the row: Guatemala, 1954
  • Knowledge about these two overthrows are a vital key to understand what is happening in the world today, because they were blueprint for future overthrow and regime change operation – also today. In order to understand the war in Syria, the history of these two CIA-overthrows in Iran and Guatemala is crucial knowledge!
  • But there is more to the story!
  • The Dulles brothers were at the same time also involved in quite another kind of regime change: The creation of EU. The idea of national sovereignty was questioned and gradually being undermined in order to create a United States of Europe (today called EU).
  • Furthermore, the Cold War was also used as a perfect backdrop for social and cultural re-make of the Western nations, where traditional (Christian) values were exchanged by consumerism, entertainment…all implemented with the help from social engineering, behavioral psychology and public relations (note the quote at the beginning of this introduction).
  • Conclusion
  • Question: But who cares if we have been told lies for many years? We can still live the lives we want. We have freedom. And we can’t do anything about it, right?
  • Answer: The story about the Cold War, communism and taking control of the third world and creating EU is only the tip of the iceberg! Evil has just begun. The belief that we are free is an illusion: There has been thrown immense amounts of money into scientific research on how to control the minds and actions of people in so-called “free and democratic people”. Your thoughts are not the result of free, rational, creative thinking but a result of “education” aimed at molding myriads of variations of a frustrated man and frustrated woman robbed of true identity, always on the hunt for happiness but in wrong places along lines of consumerism, and satisfaction of individual, selfish goals – a never-ending story of unsatisfied desires. The search for identity and true meaning in the West has been captured and is now dictated by people “who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind” (Bernays). It is an illusion to believe that your thoughts and ideas of life are your own. You are a product of social engineering. And there is only one way out of the mess: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. But isn’t it ironic? This statement which comes from Jesus, written the new testament is carved into a wall in the CIAs headquarter.
  • At the same time being totally obedient servants manipulated by controlled media and the market.

For many decades people in all Western countries have been taught that the Cold War was a frightening 40 years long time-period because in that period communist Russia became a most dangerous enemy; an ideologic and military threat to all the free, and democratic nations in the West. Back then but also today we are told that Lenin, Trotsky and later Stalin worked on a plan to take over the whole world and create a global communist regime where personal property rights were taken away and individual freedom would no longer exist. The communist regime was portrayed in the media as the wildest nightmare ever come true. Today we are still told that the whole world was at the brink of total destruction with the extinction of all living creatures on earth because of the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union for global supremacy in nuclear warfare. We are also told that the Cold War nearly ignited in a very hot third world war during the Cuban missile crisis because nuclear missiles were shipped over from the Soviet Union to communist Fidel Castro to be pointed directly at the United States. And we are told again and again that the United States played a crucial role to save its allied nations in Europe from communist take over. We are told that it was because of this freedom- and democracy-loving nation that the whole world was not transformed into a global, totalitarian, communist regime. Thanks to America, the free, democratic nations avoided falling into the communist trap.

This is the official story. Taught in schools, universities, in history books, in numerous documentaries, and repeated in the news by experts and of course…also the story you can read on Wikipedia. But it is not the true story. It is a tremendous lie. The Cold War conflict was a controlled conflict….controlled on both sides by the same group of people. Communist Russia was financed and controlled from the West.

The true story about the Cold War

This Cold War narrative that all the free and democratic countries in the West were at the risk of being taken over by world-communism was a large-scale fabricated lie. It was planted by the CIA and its precursor, Office of Strategic Services.

in mainstream media by their own journalist, their own news editors and news agencies which was under its control. It was also spread through CIA’s numerous secret front-organizations all over Europe and in the United States. The CIA infiltrated political, cultural and youth organizations all over Europa and the United States through which they manipulated and bribed numerous prominent opinion makers to manipulate the public opinion towards a consensus of gaining momentum for political, cultural and social change. The Cold War narrative was the perfect platform for creating a continuous state of fear among people. This fear was the springboard for a total de-construction of traditional Western values and the implementation of new ideas based on modern behavioral psychology. It was a large-scale social experiment to transform thoughts, values, and behavior in the Western world in order to control the public mindset. Prominent historians and experts on foreign affairs were for decades on a CIA payroll, paid to write books spinning the false narrative of “communism versus capitalism” over and over again until it sunk into the public mind as the only reality. All this have been thoroughly documented and is actually laid open by the CIA themselves. I will go into much more detail about it later.

If this story is true, then we need to answer the question: What was it all about? For what reason was there put so much effort into fabricating a lie and spreading to all countries in the West? I will soon answer this important question. But first I will give you a little more background knowledge about the true story about communism in the Soviet Union. For what shall we then think of communist Russia, the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and the communist regime where millions of Russians were tortured and killed in the Siberian Gulags, the feared labor camps? If the Cold War was a lie was these known historical events so also just a historical fatamorgana of some sort?

The true story of the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of communism

I guess you believe that the Russian Revolution was a popular uprising of the poor peasants against the Czarist regime. But that is only partly true. Most people don’t know that there were actually two revolutions in Russia, one right after the other. The first was in February 1917, the second came seven months later on October 1917. The first revolution was the poor peoples uprising. The second was the Bolshevik Revolution which installed communism. The Bolshevik revolution did away all possible chances that democracy and freedom could develop in Russia. This was the possibility after the first revolution in February 1917.

The true story about communism is that it was invented in Europe and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in October 1917 was controlled and financed with capitalist money – primarily by American Wall Street bankers. The Bolshevik Revolution destroyed all hope for the Russian people. They realized too late that they had been betrayed by people who did not fight for the people, but for ultimate power and control. This has been thoroughly documented by the American historian and professor in economics, Antony C. Sutton and confirmed by other sources.

In the 1980s Antony Sutton was employed as a researcher at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University in California. Here he had access to all the historical archives and he had access to the State Department Archives. What he discovered was truly disturbing to himself. By investigating several 100.000s of microfilmed official documents, he discovered that the communist revolution in Russia in October 1917 was financed and controlled from the West by capitalist Western companies and Wall Street bankers. In 3 big volumes “Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1960“, Sutton documents in minute details that 90-95% of the communist industry (civil as well as military) was either brought directly into Russia from the West or the factories in Russia were build up and run by Western engineers and companies. Sutton documents that this was the case from 1917 and up till the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The two leaders of the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin and Trotsky, were brought into Russia from respectively Germany and the United States with Western money to carry out their horrible task. Trotsky lived in New York. They were tools for a Western conspiracy to hinder Russia in becoming the largest democracy in the world which could actually have been the case after the first revolution in February 1917.

The story about the Bolshevik Revolution is very important because it lays the groundwork for understanding the Cold War hoax. Therefore you must become acquainted with this part of history.

But why did Western capitalists create their own enemy and finance communism?

But why did capitalist Wall Street bankers in the United States in liaison with the government finance a communist revolution in Russia and continue to back the regime financially? It makes no sense…or does it? Yes, it makes perfect sense, but we have to think out of the mainstream history-box and forget about the false narrative, in order to understand why.

Antony Sutton puzzled for years with the same question. He knew that he had documented to the point that Western companies and Wall Street bankers had financed communism in Russia even with the help and support from the government. The American donors were even occasionally bribing about it in their own writings, memoirs and in the newspapers. But why? What could they gain from it?

Suttons own answer in the 1990s was that these capitalists created what he called a “captive market” in Russia. They gained control over a vast geographical area. And since money doesn’t care for ideology and ideas but only cares for control over the means of production and the creation of money and the printing press, then communism or capitalism are only two different ways to control it. It makes no difference if it is called State-control as in communist regimes or private monopoly as it is called in capitalist countries, as long as it is the same group of people who are pulling the strings.

For a time this was Sutton’s own conclusion. But later he discovered more that brought him to another conclusion – that there was a greater conspiracy behind it all. The control over money, banking, industry, and the press were only vessels that could bring about the end plan. A plan he called the New World Order.

A short summary of what you have learned until now

Communist Russia was created by the West, especially by the United States. The threat of communism was a fabricated lie. It was spread through the media by CIA controlled organizations, journalists, and news editors. The fear of communism was used as a pretext to overthrow countless democratic governments all over the third world. It was countries who tried to free themselves from centuries of Western control. Instead, pro-American dictators were installed and the people suffered tremendously. Millions were killed. The true story that these countries were never communist, but rather democratic, emerged at the beginning of the year 2000. But the mainstream media never asked the right questions how they themselves could have been participants in such a big deception. No introspection. No self-evaluation. Why not? Because things have not changed! So the public is still left in darkness about the truth.

So back to the question: What was the purpose of the controlled conflict called the Cold War?

Right after the end of World War 2, many third world countries tried to free themselves from centuries of Western imperialism. This trend had begun both in Asia, the Middle East, in South America and in Africa. They began to nationalize their oil, their land, the natural resources, their mines, etc. They began to establish free elections and democracies. In other words, they tried to kick out the United States and Great Britan and free themselves from the iron grip they had had on them for centuries.

This development could not be tolerated. It had to be stopped. And here the fear of communism came in as a very useful tool. The leaders in all these countries were accused of being either communist or at least positive towards communism. It was false accusations.

At the beginning of the Cold War – in the 1950s – the United States invented a new form of strategy to stop these disobedient countries around the world. They invented a new method of how to overthrow governments without the use of military invasions. A method which later became very popular.

This new strategy was developed under the leadership of two very important men: Allen Dulles who was chief for the CIA, and his brother, John Foster Dulles who was Secretary of State. These two brothers were key operators in the total deconstruction of the world during the post-war period. The strategy was used for the first time in Iran in 1953 where the CIA secretly overthrew the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, and his government and replaced him with a pro-American dictator, Mohammed Reza (also called the Shah). The Shah re-established peace and order for the United States. (that is: established American order and American peace). For nearly three decades the Shah was a guarantee for American and British control over Iranian oil and he tortured and murdered any opposition against him.

The world was being told the lie that Mohammed Mossadegh was a communist and that the Iranian people overthrew him in a revolution. Mossadegh was described as a brutal dictator, a lunatic and he was caricatured in the media as an ugly, old man. All kinds of crazy stories were told about him. The Western media were totally under the control of the CIA and it was the CIA who planted the story about the “Iranian revolution” in the Western media. But 60 years later, in 2012 the truth about the overthrow finally emerged. Now all the mainstream media was bringing the story. But no one put two and two together and asked the 1000-dolars question: How could mainstream media, and international news agencies all over the Western hemisphere have been sleeping so much that the  fabricated CIA lie could become the official story without anyone blowing the whistle that it was a total lie? The answer is: The media was under the control of the CIA. And if that is openly admitted then the next question will inevitably be asked: Who controls the commercial media and the news agencies today?

But Iran was only the first country in a long row of regime change during the Cold War. The next country was Guatemala in 1954. Here it was not a question of oil, but of land and control over the gigantic banana production. The same strategy was used again: The democratically elected president in Guatemala, Jacobo Arabenz tried to nationalize the land and take it back from United Frut Company and give it back to the poor indians. But he was demonized in Western media; acused for being a communist and a threat to world peace. Again it was a fabricated CIA lie. But this time the trruth emerged in 2012. The CIA realised their secret documents from the overthrow, admitted their role in toppling Joacobo Arabenz and installing a military junta that killed thousands of civilians. Also this time “peace and order” was re-established in Guatemala under the brutal dictator Carlos Castillo Armas, the first in a series of U.S.-backed authoritarian rulers in Guatemala. This time the truth also emerged in 2012 during the so-called Church Committee Hearings

So here you have the answer to what the Cold War and the fear of communism was used for!

But what about today’s US backed wars and regime change around the world?

The stories about these early CIA coups in Iran and Guatemala during the Cold War has tremendous importance for today because they both laid the foundation for future CIA overthrows of legal governments because they no longer wanted to follow orders from the United States. In order to understand what happens in Syria today, you must know about the history of US-controlled regime change strategies. The coup in Iran was the blueprint for a new way of creating regime change all over the world without military interventions and at the same time deceive the public that the “communist threat to the free world was now eliminated”. The technique is widely used today but not with the fear of communism as the pretext. You can easily guess what the pretext used today is.

So this was the answer to why did the false Cold War narrative was invented. There is more to the story but for now, this is enough.

The coup in Iran was the first in a new style of the regime change strategy. But it has been shaped and reshaped and perfected until this day where it is in use right now in Syria. But this is too hot a topic to talk about before I have laid the historical foundation. When you have that in place you will see that Syria is just another Iran and Guatemala.

The war in Syria

We have all been told that Syria has a brutal dictator who gasses and kills his own people. I believe that when you have gained knowledge about the true story about the Cold War it is easy for you to see that the War on Syria is not about freeing the poor Syrian people from an evil dictator, but about freeing the West from a legal government that will not dance after the dictates of the United States. This topic will be covered later when you have gained some historical background knowledge that leads up having a new perspective on the conflicts we see in many places around the world today. I really advise you to read my in-depth article about CIAs secret overthrow of the democratically elected prim minister, Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran 1953. You will see that the strategy, the methods and the rhetoric in the news are an exact copy to what we see in Syria today.

Read: CIAs secret coup d´etat in Iran, 1953

Read: CIAs secret coup d´etat in Guatemala, 1954

The secret coup d´etat in Iran has been totally exposed today, and the CIA have admitted that there was no communist threat. The real cause for the regime change was control over oil.

went to work either by the use of secret overthrows or if that didn’t work the military was sent in. The Cold War narrative with its threat to all the free nations was enough to give a green light: “Sent in the Marines and go kill those red commies!” That was the rhetoric. Millions of civilians were killed and countless countries were totally destroyed and still suffer from it.

During the Cold War, the United States crushed countless third world countries. and always with the pretext that these countries were about to become communist and therefore a potential threat to the free world. It was a lie.

The fear of communism during the Cold War was created by the United States in order to have a pretext for interfering in countless nations and plant pro-American dictators

regime change in countries all over the third world. The claim that these of communism

But why was this false Cold War conflict between communism and capitalism, between the Soviet Union and the United States created in the first place? And who is behind it?

The answer is very simple: During the Cold War, the alleged threat of communism was developed to become the perfect platform for the United States to topple countless governments all over the third world countries and install pro-American dictators. Without the supposed threat of communism, the United States had no accepted pretext to destroy country after country. This alleged threat of communism was at that time the perfect stepping stone that would always be understood and accepted by its allied countries as an argument for invasions, regime change. The idea of “preserving global peace” and “spreading of democracy” was used in the same way as it is used today. Can you see where this is going? Can you recognize the same rhetoric being used today? Just wait till I unfold the true story. Then you will discover that all of the Islamic countries that have been demonized in Western media for the last 20 years and destroyed one by one by coalitions of Western armies are being exposed for the same strategy as the United States developed during the Cold War. Today the have created another threat than communism. Today it is “radical islam”.

. In Europe, we were told the story that the United States is a saving angel. For 40 years the United States used this fabricated lie about the threat of communism and used it as a pretext for taking total control over countless countries (Chomsky citater her).

This strategy is called Hegelian strategy and it goes like this: Create conflicts between nations but control both sides of the conflict. Create a simplistic narrative which is propagated effectively through the media. The fear will make people open to accept political and social change which they would otherwise never had accepted. Present the people for the necessary political and social and economic changes on a national and international level that have to be taken in order to protect the free nations. Then repeat the same rhetoric over and over again: “We have to do this in order to save our freedom, and to secure the people, the future generation and the welfare we have”.  The media it the grooming tool to “educate” the unaware, bewildered people with a solution that they would never have accepted unless it was because they had been pumped with fear through fabricated narratives.

But because of the fear alleged threat created by the conflict, the people not only accept political and social change, now they even demand the very same solutions that were already pre-determined and planned by the instigators of the conflicts. This Hegelian strategy has been repeated over and over again. And right now it is not so much communism that is the global threat. It has been exchanged by the threat coming from radical Islam. And another fear has been introduced: The fear of manmade climate change.

So who is behind all this and what is the end goal?

To be able to understand the answers to these very important questions you need to have some background knowledge in history because it originated during the Reformation in Europe back in the 1500s. Since most people today are not familiar with this extremely important part of history I will not begin my journey there to bring the truth into your life. I will rather begin where most people will rather quickly be able to see that we in fact have been totally deceived by our education systems, the media, the political powers and the ones who write history.

You might ask: But who cares about it as long as we can choose to live as we like? “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. If there is any truth to this statement, then there is great value en truth. There are many kinds of truth and many layers of truth.

And the answer to “what is the end goal” has its origin in religious matters – more specifically in the religious conflict between catholicism and Protestantism.

Bible Quote Carving
Bible quote carving in the CIA headquarther

Related image

This Cold War narrative that all the free and democratic countries in the West were at the risk of being taken over by world-communism was a large-scale fabricated lie. It was planted by the CIA and its forerunner the OSR in mainstream media by their own journalist, their own news editors and news agencies which was under their control. It was also spread through CIA’s numerous secret front-organizations placed all over Europe and in the United States. The CIA infiltrated political and cultural organizations all over Europa and the United States through which they manipulated and bribed numerous prominent opinion makers to create a public consensus to gain momentum for political change. Prominent historians and experts on foreign affairs were for decades on the CIA payroll, paid to write books spinning the false “East versus West”-narrative over and over again. All this have been thoroughly documented and is actually laid open by the CIA themselves and I will go into details about it later.

But why? Right after the end of World War 2, many third world countries tried to free themselves from centuries of Western imperialism. This happened in Asia, the Middle East, in South America and Africa.

They began to nationalize their oil, their land, the mines. They began to establish free elections and democracies. In other words, they tried to kick out the United States and Great Britan and free themselves from the iron grip they had put on them for centuries. This development could not be allowed.

In the 1950s the United States invented a new form of strategy to create regime change. It was used for the first time in 1953 where the CIA secretly overthrew the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, and his government and replaced him with the Shaa, a pro-American dictator. The Shaa re-established peace and order (that is: American order and American peace). For nearly three decades he was a guarantee for American and British control over Iranian oil and he tortured and murdered any opposition.

. . The story about this CIA coup has enormous importance in order to understand what the Cold War was really about, but also in order to understand what is happening in the world right now. Because the coup was a blueprint for a new way of toppling governments and create regime change and at the same time deceive the public that a “threat to the free world was now eliminated”.

The coup in Iran was the first in a new style of regime change. But it has been shaped and reshaped and perfected until this day where it is in use in Syria. But this is a hot topic to talk about Syria because we have all been told that Syria has a brutal dictator who gasses and kills the Syrian civilians. I believe that when you have gained knowledge about the true story about the Cold War it is easy for you to see that the War on Syria is not about freeing the poor Syrian people from an evil dictator, but about freeing the West from a legal government that will not dance after the dictates of the United States. This topic will be covered later when you have gained some historical background knowledge that leads up to all the conflicts we see in the world today.

The secret coup d´etat in Iran has been totally exposed today, and the CIA have admitted that there was no communist threat. The real cause for the regime change was control over oil.

went to work either by the use of secret overthrows or if that didn’t work the military was sent in. The Cold War narrative with its threat to all the free nations was enough to give a green light: “Sent in the Marines and go kill those red commies!” That was the rhetoric. Millions of civilians were killed and countless countries were totally destroyed and still suffer from it.

During the Cold War, the United States crushed countless third world countries. and always with the pretext that these countries were about to become communist and therefore a potential threat to the free world. It was a lie.

The fear of communism during the Cold War was created by the United States in order to have a pretext for interfering in countless nations and plant pro-American dictators

regime change in countries all over the third world. The claim that these of communism

But why was this false Cold War conflict between communism and capitalism, between the Soviet Union and the United States created in the first place? And who is behind it?

the answer is simple that during the Cold war, the alleged threat of communism was the perfect platform for the United States to topple countless governments all over the third world countries and install pro-American dictators. Without the supposed threat of communism, the United States had no accepted pretext. This alleged threat of communism was at that time the perfect stepping stone that was always understood and accepted by its allied countries as a pretext for invasions, regime change, and the “spreading of democracy”. In Europe, we were told the story that the United States is a saving angel. For 40 years the United States used this fabricated lie about the threat of communism and used it as a pretext for taking total control over countless countries (Chomsky citater her).

This strategy is called Hegelian strategy and it goes like this: Create conflicts between nations but control both sides of the conflict. Create a simplistic narrative which is propagated effectively through the media. The fear will make people open to accept political and social change which they would otherwise never had accepted. Present the people for the necessary political and social and economic changes on a national and international level that have to be taken in order to protect the free nations. Then repeat the same rhetoric over and over again: “We have to do this in order to save our freedom, and to secure the people, the future generation and the welfare we have”.  The media it the grooming tool to “educate” the unaware, bewildered people with a solution that they would never have accepted unless it was because they had been pumped with fear through fabricated narratives.

But because of the fear alleged threat created by the conflict, the people not only accept political and social change, now they even demand the very same solutions that were already pre-determined and planned by the instigators of the conflicts. This Hegelian strategy has been repeated over and over again. And right now it is not so much communism that is the global threat. It has been exchanged by the threat coming from radical Islam. And another fear has been introduced: The fear of manmade climate change.

So who is behind all this and what is the end goal?

To be able to understand the answers to these very important questions you need to have some background knowledge in history because it originated during the Reformation in Europe back in the 1500s. Since most people today are not familiar with this extremely important part of history I will not begin my journey there to bring the truth into your life. I will rather begin where most people will rather quik be able to see that we infact have been totally deceived by our education systems, the media, the political powers and the ones who write history.

You might ask: But who cares about it as long as we can choose to live as we like?

And the answer to “what is the end goal” has its origin in religious matters – more specifically in the religious conflict between catholicism and Protestantism.

We live in an age where access to information has never been easier, so if this is true, why is it then still not known to the public? How can highly-educated professors in the universities teach the official story, if it is a total fabrication and a lie? If it is true, why has no one blown the whistle and exposed the lie? Many have! Lots and lots have. People in high places have exposed it. It came in the light of the public during the Church hearings in the 1960s. People from the CIA have come foreward and admitted it. Politicians, bankers, economics, even presidents have exposed it. And some of the people who are part of the conspiracy has openly admitted it. It is not a secret at all. They write books about. But these books never arrived in in the book shops. Most of their reports, books and journals were not written for a public audience, but thanks to independent researchers and journaliste, and thanks to the internet they have been made available to you and me – if we bother the find it.

So it is not a secret that is impossible to dig up. It is there, but it is buried under a massive amount of meaningless, but stimulating entertainment, sports, movies, none important news, and a continuous flow of false narratives that is made to keep the populations in a constant state of fear….fear for something that the conspirators can use as pretext for “change”. Those who own the commercial media, and controls the flow of information also have the power to manipulate the masses and shape in what lines people should think. This proces is what Noam Chomsky calls “manufacturing consent”. Even the internet today is censured, but in ways that is not so obvious. It is done by algoritms.

If this is true, then what was the reason, and who was behind it?

First question, for what reason:

during the Cold War stretching from 1949-1989, the free world – the United States and its allies – were at a high risk of being taken over by communist Russia. The rhetoric used in the West was picturing communism as a monster; a serious threat to all what is valued high in the West: Individual freedom, the freedom to express thoughts, democracy, the right to own land, private initiative, creativity, art, music etc.

But why? The false mainstream story is that during the Cold War countless nations in the third world were feared to become Russian allies. If that happened the “free Western world” would be run over and world-communism would become a reality. The communist plan was to install communism all over the world. Therefore the United States fought countless wars all over the world during the Cold War in order to prevent communism from spreading. The fear mongers an image of the domino to describe what could happen if communism first

But who cares about all this? I mean: Let yankies kill the communists, and the Muslims, and the poor catholic farmers in South America. Let them kill the Vietnamese. Who cares? We are living in free, democratic societies. We can do what we want. We have money, we have unlimited access to entertainment. So even if all you have told me is true and we have been totally deceived for over 60 years, then what can I do about? And even if we are still exposed to the same kind of lies in the West about what is happening in the world, then what can we do about? What difference would it make in MY life whether I know the truth or not?

If the story I have told you until here was the only aspect, then you are right. It that is the only layer then you could only be morally disturbed that OUR lifestyle in the West is based on wild exploitation of third world countries and the sacrifice of millions of innocent peoples lives in order to maintain our high living standards. But there is much more to my story. So far I have only presented for you the tip of the Iceberg. Evil has just begun! When you know the deeper layers I think your arguments will dissolve by themselves and you will begin to see that you must take a lot of fundamental questions in life up to serious consideration. Questions like: “why are we here?” What should I do with my life? Is there deeper meaning to life? How should I live my life? What is most important principles to implement in this life in order to come the whole way through – not as the same person but as a truly free and happy man or woman. These questions will be answerd. Not in a 1-1 scale where I come with the seven magic step-by-step method. No, it will be more as a revelation where the layers of truth that is revealed to you, will totally transform your perspective of life.

the United States used the threat of communism

See a timeline and a SYNOPSIS of the development of the global conspiracy

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.
Edward Bernays, Propaganda

I det skjulte planlægger USA et føregreb mod hele menneskeheden hvor frihed, sandhed og demokrati kun har én form: den som dikteres og defineres af magthaverne. I størst muligt omfang gennemføres planen ved hjælp af manipulation og forførelse. Formålet med HISTORIEN OM IGEN er at afsløre bedraget.

For at forstå, hvad jeg taler om, må du som det første have nogle vigtige historiske begivenheder lagt på plads. Det er begivenheder de fleste kender til men oftest er det kun den halve sandhed, vi har fået. Når begivenhederne ses i sammenhæng – og ikke som løsrevne dele, så træder et stærkt foruroligende billede frem.

Historien om igen strækker sig ud i mange områder af historie, politik og religion. Du må være indstillet på at det er tidskrævende at grave sandheden op fra mørket, for den er blevet effektivt skjult de sidste 100 år. Hvis du, som mange andre har en sær fornemmelse af, at der er ét eller andet helt galt i verden, og at du ikke får det sande billede gennem de kommercielle nyhedskanaler, så vil du finde årsagen her på Historien om igen.

Den kolde krig

Den 27 april 1961 holdt den daværende amerikanske præsident J. F. Kennedy en tale til de kommercielle nyhedsmedier i USA. Her omtalte han en konspiration som han mente var i fuld gang. Han sagde:

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. 

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961

Hvem mon Kennedy mente stod bag denne conspiration? De fleste vil nok pege på det kommunistiske Sovjetunionen. Talen holder han 10 dage efter at USA mislykkede forsøg på at invadere Cuba.

Jeg kunne have begyndt min historie mange steder. Men jeg har valgt én bestemt tidsperiode, som de fleste kender til, nemlig den periode vi kalder den kolde krig fra 1949-1989. Når du først har forstået, hvad der blev sat i værk i den periode, skjult for offentligheden, så vil dine grundopfattelser af verden muligvis være rokket så meget, at du kan være åben overfor anden del i historien.

Men for at forstå det jeg vil fortælle om koldkrigsperioden må jeg begynde med den russiske revolution i 1917, for det var den, der skabte grundlaget for den kolde krig. Her blev konflikten mellem to ideologier grundlagt: Konflikten mellem kommunisme og kapitalisme.

Når man lægger brikkerne til et puslespil er det lettest at begynde med de områder der skiller sig mest ud og er mest distinkte. Himmelen er svær fordi der er så mange ens brikker, som i begyndelsen er næsten umulige at adskille fra hinanden. Det samme med brikkerne i den her historie. Jeg begynder et sted hvor de fleste kan være med. Havde jeg begyndt med historien om modreformationen i 1500-tallet, så var de fleste stået af hurtigt. Men ikke desto mindre er denne brik en af de absolut vigtigste at forstå. Denne brik danner selve grundlaget for hvad USAs magtsystem er i dag. Før i tiden var den viden almindeligt tilgængelig i historiebøgerne og leksika, men ikke længere. Jeg har researchet i leksika fra nutiden og helt tilbage til 1800-tallet og set med egne øjne hvordan det emne som engang fyldte 2-3 sider i et leksikon nu fylder 5-10 linier. Og vel at mærke med en helt anden vinkel, en helt anden tilsløret tilgang end før i tiden. Men alt det vender jeg tilbage til senere.